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SSRN Paper Series - Faculty of Law

Last updated on 9 February 2022
On this page you can find all information about Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Legal Studies Research Paper Series.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Legal Studies Research Paper Series:

What is it?

The Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) is the largest worldwide database of scientific articles in the domain of social and behavioural sciences. This Paper Series comprises of published and unpublished articles of researchers from het Law Faculty. The system shows how many times papers have been downloaded; it's interesting to see how many times your article has been read via SSRN!

Editor in Chief is Jacobien Rutgers. The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Legal Studies Research Paper Series comprises of papers in English which are or will be pubshished in peer-reviewed journals or books of big publishers like Intersentia, Springer, OUP, CUP, Ashgate, etc. In short, de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Legal Studies Research Paper Series contains quality publications.

Upload a paper

1. Go to the SSRN-page of the faculty;
2. Choose ‘Submit’;
3. Login or make an account and login;
4. Upload the paper;
5. A paper in SSRN always has an abstract and a short summary. Also, you need to add some keywords to enable others to find your paper.

Please note

It is important to check with the (future) publisher if he agrees with uploading a working paper in SSRN before publishing. You can also check the website where you can find the Open Access policies of international journals

More information

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