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Relocation support

Last updated on 2 May 2023
Moving to the Netherlands and leaving your trusted environment behind can be a huge challenge. VU Amsterdam would like to support you on this major life change and provides services to senior researchers to make this transition as smooth as possible, especially if you come with your partner and/or family. Also after your arrival at VU Amsterdam, we will assist you with settling in the Netherlands and make sure that you will easily find your way around VU Amsterdam.

Throughout the year, we schedule various workshops for international staff (and accompanying partners). Currently the workshops offer contains:

  • A career workshop for partners / spouses in order to give advice about entering the Dutch labour market, how to design and write a CV according to Dutch standards and how to adjust a LinkedIn profile to be found easily by Dutch employers
  • A workshop of the Dutch educational environment: culture shock and managing expectations
  • A Dutch tax Information workshop

Are you interested to participate in one of these workshops or do you have suggestions for any other topics, please feel free to let us know. 

Welcome to NL relocation app

In collaboration with the Dutch international centres and RVO, the Welcome to NL Relocation App has been launched.

You’re in the process to relocate to the Netherlands. The Welcome to NL Relocation App will be your guide to make your transition to the Netherlands as smooth as possible, and includes all the steps you will have to take. So you know what to arrange before you move to the Netherlands, upon arrival and when settling in.

More info and access to the tool:

Introduction to The Netherlands

Introduction to The Netherlands

This video is a part of a free online crash introduction to living in the Netherlands, “Feeling at Home”.  Learn more about building your life in the Netherlands:.

Video's on:

  • The Dutch way of living
  • The Dutch values
  • The Dutch way of socializing
  • The Dutch way of working
  • The Dutch way of learning

you can find on the International Newcomers Amsterdam YouTube channel.