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Model Teaching and Examination Regulations (Model TER)

Last updated on 13 July 2023
Each year, the Executive Board establishes a model version of the TER.

Each year, the Executive Board establishes a model version of the TER.

VU Amsterdam's model TER consists of a part A, a part B1 and a part B2. Part A is the faculty-specific part, containing the provisions that apply to all study programmes within a faculty. Both B parts contain programme-specific provisions, subdivided as follows:

  • Part B1: general provisions that only apply to the study programme
  • Part B2: programme-related provisions including the structure of the curriculum

Although the various sections belong together and form the Teaching and Examination Regulations of a study programme or group of programmes, they can be amended separately. The Faculty Board ultimately determines the content of all sections of the Teaching and Examination Regulations for the faculty’s study programmes.

Changes to the model Teaching and Examination Regulations are submitted to the Joint Assembly (Gezamenlijke Vergadering) annually for its approval.

Faculty-level participation is arranged as follows:

  • The Faculty Joint Assembly has right of approval with regard to Articles in Sections A and B1, and the Programme Committee has right of advice.
  • With respect to Section B2, only the Programme Committee is involved in participation; the Faculty Joint Assembly has no involvement.

There is a model TER for bachelor's degree programmes and for master's degree programmes; both documents are available in Dutch and English on this page.

Do you have questions about the TER? Please contact José van Dam (Educational Policy advisor, department of Student & Educational Affairs).