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HRM reports

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Last updated on 21 August 2023
The HR Service Center provides different kinds of management information by using HR reports. Reports which are necessary for conducting daily operations.

A few examples are:

  • Reports containing an overview of all employees
  • Reports on holiday leave
  • Reports on absence / illness

These HR reports will be made available primarily for HR Advisors and managers. Which of these reports will be visible for you in the Report Centre, depends on your position within VU Amsterdam. 

To the Report Centre

By clicking the blue button 'Take action now' on this webpage you will be redirected to the Serviceportal. 

Quick reference cards and training videos about how to use reports and access the Report Centre can soon be found there.

In order to go the Report Centre in Success Factors directly, click the ‘Open self service’ button. 

The range of reports is still under development and its number will be expanded over time.

When entering the Report Centre for the very first time, it does not show all available reports. This issue can easily be resolved by logging off and on again. You will only have to do this once. By entering the Report Centre again, all available reports will be shown. When there are still no reports visible, try to switch between the buttons Reports and Labels in the centre of the screen.


In case an available report is not visible in the Report Centre, please contact us by emailing to Your request for access will be analysed and if necessary you will be contacted for more information. This also applies when requesting access to the Report Centre itself.

Specific requests

If you do not have access to the reports in the Report Centre from your position, or the available reports do not meet your data needs? Then send an email with specifications to Other questions relating to reports can also be sent via this route.