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Discover the depth of the Hindu philosophies

Spiritual living in Hindu philosophies

Are diverse philosophies under Hinduism complementary, supplementary or entirely different? How do they make sense together towards our material and spiritual existence? The course discussed selected Hindu philosophies with an applied orientation towards spirituality.

The Hindu worldview led to diverse philosophical traditions. These traditions enjoy their distinct presence and at the same time, also take part in issues of inter-philosophical and/or multi-philosophical interest among them. The course introduces the Hindu philosophical systems (Darśana). It provides a background for reflection upon the philosophical unity that underlies all of them in theory as well as practice. It further explores how these different Darśanas (Hindu philosophies) make sense together towards a holistic spiritual existence in Hindu worldview. It comprises themes based on selected content from six major Vedic Darśanas: Sāṃkhya-Yoga, Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika and Mīmāṃsā-Vedānta. The course will also have discussions on some contemporary issues relevant to the society and reflection on Darśanas for one's own practice and development of self-awareness.


The course consists of both online (every Saturday) and offline (Thursday) group meetings.

During the sessions on Saturday, key concepts from the Hindu philosophies will be explained and discussed, such as the concept of Darśana, Vaiśeṣika Darśana, Nyāya Darśana and Pātañjala Yoga Darśana.

On Thursday during the group sessions, assignments will be presented and discussed. Here you have the opportunity to connect the content of the course to your own interest and choose a topic to explore more. Topics to choose from are for example organ donation, climate change, LGBTQ-questions, or dealing with your own identity or leadership in a professional context.

Complementary to the lectures and presentations, self-study is required. This courses closes with an individual test during the last session.

After successfully finishing this course you receive a certificate.

Target audience

This course is relevant for all who are interested in understanding the Hindu worldview and its positioning in their way of life.


The fee for this course amounts €600,- per participant, and €900,- for sponsored participants.

Registration should take place before 10 August 2024. Please state the full name of the course and order number 1000300 in your registration form.


The maximum number of participants for this course is 15.


Coördinating teachers are prof. dr. Sharda S. Nandram and dr. Puneet K. Bindlish.