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Building trust with employees, customers and communities

Are you interested in a tailor-made Servant Leadership Programme for your organisation?

This programme aims at organisations contributing to >10 talented executives across disciplines. If you want to investigate and apply the latest insights on Servant-leadership as a powerful and successful vehicle for the 21st century organisations, then the Servant-Leadership programme is the right choice.

Please get in contact with us via this form or contact Sylvia van de Bunt to talk about the possibilities for your organisation.

Practical information

  • More information?

    For more information, please contact Sylvia van de Bunt 

    Phone: 020-598-6105

  • Tuition fee

    By mutual agreement

  • Duration and Time Investment

    The programme involves 4 days of classroom, counting a total of 32 hours. 

    The intervision (including the preparation) requires approximately 12 hours, and home and fieldwork require 80 hours. 

    Upon successful completion of the programme, you will receive a SLRP Certificate

  • Starting date

    By mutual agreement

  • Language

    The Servant-Leadership Programme is entirely taught in English

  • Research and Publications

    Research on servant-leadership at VU

    • The first SLRP research projects have been completed. Over the coming years, the core SLRP faculty team has the intention to publish SL findings, building on the collective data of this course research.  In some cases individual reports may also be adapted and submitted for publication.

    VU BA and MSc student thesis papers on the topic of Servant-Leadership

    • Completed Bachelor and MSc Thesis 2009-2016. BA, MSc or PhD students wishing to initiate research in the area of Servant-Leadership can consult the Vrije Universiteit library for full documents.

    New PhD Thesis on the subject of Servant-Leadership from Erasmus University Rotterdam

    • Dr. Milton J. Correia de Sousa defended his dissertation “Servant Leadership to the Test” at Erasmus University Rotterdam on Thursday, 12 June 2014. Milton Sousa is one of SLRP core lecturers. Milton Sousa is Associate Professor Adjunct and Academic Director of the CEMS MIM at NOVA School of Business and Economics. Previously, he was Director of the MBA Programs at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University in the Netherlands.

    Recent SL related publications from SERVUS network

    Book releases from SERVUS network

    • Trompenaars, F. (2020), COVID-19 Survival Guide: Dilemmas and Solutions, translated into 10 languages, May 2020: 
    • Trompenaars, F. and C. hampden-Turner (2020),  Riding the Waves of Culture 4th edition
    • Van de Bunt, S. and Trompenaars, F. (2019), Executive Education for Cultural Sustainability, paper EPBS-2019 conference proceedings, Istanbul, 25-26 October.
    • Weir, D. Sultan, N. and Van de Bunt, S. (2019), Doing Business in the Arab World: Unlocking the Potential of Wasta. In: Globalization and Development – Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Business and Policy Insights from Asia and Africa, Faghih, N. (Editor), Springer Nature Publishers, pp. 323-342.
    • Van de Bunt, S., Chang-Howe,W. (2019), Developing Chinese Economy Overseas: Cross-Cultural Dilemmas in Chinese-Dutch Mergers & Acquisitions. In: Globalization and Development – Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Business and Policy Insights from Asia and Africa, Faghih, N. (Editor), Springer Nature Publishers, Part II, pp. 243-268.
    •  Van de Bunt, S. (2018), Leadership Development to Sustain Tomorrow’s World. In: WLSA Record, Spring 2018, Volume 7, pp. 32-34.
    • Van de Bunt S., Salomons L. (2018), Servant-Leadership as a Key for the Successful Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Pharmaceutical Industry. In: Dhiman S., Roberts G., Crossman J. (Eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    • Van de Bunt, S. and Trompenaars, F. (2016). Meaningful Education to Nurture Servant-Leaders. In: Sense of Serving. Reconsidering the Role of Universities Now, Flikkema, M. (editor), VU University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 68-75.
    • Weir, D., Sultan, N., and Van de Bunt, S. (2016), Wasta: A Scourge or a Useful Management and Business Practice? In: The political economy of “Wasta”: use and abuse of social capital networking, Ramady, M. (Editor), Springer Publishers, Chapter 2, pp. 23-31.  
    • Li Y., Du J., and Van de Bunt S. (2016). Social capital networking in China and the traditional values of Guanxi. In: The political economy of “Wasta”: use and abuse of social capital networking, Ramady, M. (editor), Springer Publishers, forthcoming. Chapter 14.
    • Bunt-Kokhuis, van de (2015), Symposium Servant-Leadership and Meaningful Work, Vuurwerk, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11(22): 20-21.
    •  Hampden-Turner, C. and F. Trompenaars, with Tom Cummings (2015). Nine Visions of Capitalism: Unlocking the Meanings of Wealth Creation, Infinite Ideas Limited.
    • Dierendonck, D. van and Patterson, K. (2015). Compassionate Love as a Cornerstone  of Servant Leadership: An Integration of Previous Theorizing and Research, Journal of Business Ethics, (128): 119-131.
    • Bunt-Kokhuis, S. van de, & Ngambi, H.C. (2014). Leadership Values in Africa and Implications for Online Learning Communities. In Goldman Schuyler, K. (editor), Leading with Spirit, Presence and Authenticity. Jossey-Bass Publishers. San Francisco, 157-178.
    • Bunt-Kokhuis, van de, S. & Trompenaars, F. (2014). Servant-Leadership. Unlocking human potential in (e) organisations. ABRI Business in Society Magazine, (2): 58-59.
    • Bunt-Kokhuis, van de S.& R. Peshawaria (2014). The Brains, Bones and Nerves of Servant-Leadership, REAMS Journal, University Campus Suffolk, 2. June (1) 2.
    • Nuijten, I. (2014). Echte Leiders Dienen. Voor leiders die het verschil maken. Academic Service.
    • Correia de Sousa, M., & Van Dierendonck, D. (2010). Knowledge workers, servant leadership and the search for meaning in knowledge-driven organisations. On the Horizon, (18): 230–239.

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Feel free to contact us

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
School of Business and Economics Executive Education
De Boelelaan 1105

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  • Dr. Sylvia van de Bunt
  • Associate Professor, UNESCO chairholder 'Cross-Cultural Sustainability', Co-director of SERVUS, Coordinator of VU MSc courses in Organisational Behavior, and Program Director of Servant-Leadership at VU Amsterdam
  • Visiting Professor at University of Suffolk, UK
  • +31 (0)20 5986105
Sylvia van de Bunt

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