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The Incubator: The Place for the ‘Jewels’ at VU Amsterdam

Below is a list of all the events at the Incubator, sorted by date. To be certain of a spot, we ask you to register in time for the events.


16 May 2024: Best practices in your teaching: sharing and problem solving
On Thursday, the 16th of May Janne (Jewel Health & Life sciences) and Han (CTL) organize a ~2-hour session which revolves around exchanching the best practices in your own education (or in your teaching program), but also on finding solutions for struggles that you experience. We invite you to bring teaching materials that you use/have designed/are available of which you think it could be of value for other Jewels/lecturers. This session is followed by a nice and cozy borrel, maybe even outside when the weather is nice. 

Time: 15:00 - 17:00
Where: Incubator, NU-building 6A69
Access: free and for all VU-employees
Registration: send an e-mail to

23 May 2024: Inclusive Education - The Dilemmas of Online Accessible Lectures and Tutorials
During this brainstorming session, we will discuss the dilemmas of online accessible lectures and tutorials. Should we, as VU, make our lectures and tutorials accessible online? Is your answer yes? But what do we do then with students who no longer come to campus? And how do we address the privacy concerns of both teachers and students? Is your answer no? Then what do we say to students with disabilities who are currently unable to fully participate in education? These type of dilemma’s will be part of this session.

Time: 15:30 - 16:30
Where: Incubator, NU-building 6A69
Access: free and for all VU-employees
Registration: send an e-mail to


20 June 2024: End of the academic year Jewel Drinks - save the date!
On the 20th of June we’ll be organising a nice end of the year event, with drinks, bites, activities, and laughter, specifcally for all junior lecturers, coaching lecturers and tutors. Also, if you don’t feel you belong to any of these groups but feel connected with teaching or education, you’re most welcome to join this event! Send an e-mail to to register.

More information about the Incubator


Contact and more information

Content-related questions

Do you have questions about practical information or about the format and content of the training? Please contact the training organizer Maiza Compos Ponce via e-mail:

