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Gain rich knowledge about Hinduism

Do you want to expand your understanding of Hinduism? This course offers you an introduction to the Hindu worldview, philosophy and lived spirituality. Questions on how this influences the Hindu rituals, festivals and soteriology will be discussed, as well as the broader relationship with contemporary issues.

This course delves into the rich tapestry of Hinduism, offering a comprehensive exploration of its philosophy, rituals, and societal dynamics. Participants will unravel the Hindu worldview, examining its influence on rituals, festivals, spirituality, and sociological structures. Through focused sessions on divinities, ethics, epistemology, and praxeology, participants will gain a nuanced understanding of Hinduism's multifaceted dimensions. Engaging with classical texts and contemporary discussions, the course combines reading, discussions, videos, and experiential practices. Assessment includes participant presentations and a research paper, fostering reflective insights and independent exploration within the sociological model of Hinduism.

This course is for everyone who is interested in the Hindu philosophy and Hindu way of life. The sessions will be a mix of lectures, group discussions, self-assessment quizzes and presentations. Every week two sessions will be held and it has a maximum of 15 participants.


Hinduism is a way of life. Life, worship, spirituality, and religion are integral parts of Hinduism. Dharma and Karma are the essences of Hinduism. Both dharma and karma help us to realize what is right and what is wrong. Our choices in the past have led to the problems of environmental degradation and social unrest. Hinduism teaches us that course correction is possible when we take responsibility for our actions.


Coordinating teachers are prof. dr. Sharda S. Nandram and dr. Puneet K. Bindlish. Traditional experts from India will contribute as guest lecturers as well.


The fee for each participant is €600,-. For sponsored participants the fee is €900,-.

Registration should take place before 20 March 2024.