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Wellbeing Week

Do you want to know how to create a healthier study-private life balance? Want to work on your personal development and increase your social network? Are you curious about how you can contribute to a more inclusive and safe climate at VU? Then come to the Wellbeing Week between 4 and 8 November!

Everyone experiences periods of stress and anxiety and that is totally normal. It is part of life and it encourages us to improve and to challenge ourselves. However, it is also important to take a step back every now and then. It is vital to recharge your battery, and to keep it charged! So, don't be scared to reflect on your mental wellbeing from time to time. How are you really doing?

As a student, it is important to find a healthy balance between studying, hobbies, work, leisure & other pursuits. During the Wellbeing week from 4-8 November 2024, you can therefore attend numerous workshops and lectures that aim to contribute to your well-being. The activities can range from salsa lessons to a sleep workshop, and from self-defence to a stress management workshop and much more.

Curious? The programme will be announced in October!

NOTE: All activities are free of charge and offered in English and will take place at VU Campus or Uilenstede Sports Centre

Curious to know more about wellbeing at VU Amsterdam?

Question about the Health & Wellbeing Week?

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