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Honours Graduation Event 2024

On 3 July we celebrate the remarkable achievements of the VU and UvA honours graduates. In case you will complete your Honours Programme and bachelor programme before October 2024, this is the event to acknowledge your hard work and dedication. Join us for an unforgettable in-person event filled with joy, pride, and applause.

On this webpage you will see all updates on this event. Also, you can access the Eventbrite registration page (button on the top right) and here we will publish the event photo's about two weeks after the event. 

Special theme: Building Foundations

At this time, many aspects of society appear uncertain. Similarly, graduation is a period associated with uncertainty for many students. Where am I heading? Where is the world going? What does the future hold in store for us? However, one thing is certain: The graduates - and particularly the Honours students - have worked hard over the last couple years. No matter what is to come, they have learned things and made connections with people that will provide a solid foundation for any path they follow.

Registration details

  • It is not necessary to have completed all your courses before 3 July and it is not necessary to be an Extensus member
  • Registration for the Honours Graduation Event 2024 is mandatory!

Click here to register (registration closes on 25 June at 13:00, so make sure you register on time!).

  • You are allowed to bring one guest for free, you can buy two more paid guest tickets if you want. 
  • Dress code: festive formal

Don't miss out on this special occasion

We hope to see you on 3 July!

Impression Honours Graduation Event 2023

Click here to access all the event photo's of the 2023 event! (2024 photo's will be published soon after the event)



Date: Tuesday 3 July 2024

Time: 20.00-22.30 (walk-in starts at 19.30)

Venue: VU Aula, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam

Programme: speeches, live music, graduation ceremony and drinks

Note: This event is purely ceremonial; you will receive your diploma at your faculty graduation at another moment

19:30-20:00Arrival & Registration & Seating
           19:45Musical entertainment
20:00-20:05Welcome by moderator, Jermaine Colli
20:05-20:15Speech by Prof. dr. Jeroen Geurts, Rector Magnificus VU
           20:15Musical intermezzo
20:20-20:40Commencement speech by Roos van Amstel 
          20:40Musical intermezzo
20:45-21:00Speech by Extensus 
           21:00Musical intermezzo 
21:05-21:30Graduation Ceremony / Group photo
21:30-22:30Drinks, celebration

Apply on time!

Registration closes on 25 June at 13:00

You can register online for this event. Registration is mandatory.
This is a hard deadline, so make sure you get your tickets on time!

Questions? Contact your Honours Programme Team 


  • VU: Eva Meijerink
  • Coordinator Honours Programme
Portrait Eva Meijerink