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Understanding Brain Function in Health and Disease

Are you interested in human brain function and the underlying mechanisms of major brain disorders? Then this minor is just the thing for you.

The minor Neuroscience is tailored to highly motivated students that plan to pursue a career in Neuroscience. This track is recommended for students who plan to enrol in the Master Neuroscience.

This minor is suitable for third year BSc students in the life sciences.
Students Biomedical Science or Health and Life Science track Biomedical Science or Clinical Science can register directly. Students from other studies or other universities need to send a brief CV with grade list to the course coordinator Dr. Ruud Toonen before registration.

This minor is coordinated by Dr. Ruud Toonen

Admission and Registration

Do you want to know more, or do you need advice?

Don’t hesitate to contact Dr. R.F.G. Toonen