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Deepening minor with a focus in Geology or Geochemistry

Courses address the development of the Earth System through time, tectonic and petrological case studies and isotope geochemistry. In one elective slot, students have the option to choose between Planetary Science and courses that broaden their profile

Courses in the minor Geology & Geochemistry

  • Earth and life through time

    The course commences with a brief history of historical geology and an overview of the major global events. We address major themes – sedimentology, stratigraphy, structural geology, paleontology, and plate tectonics in time and space –, which are woven together to unravel Earth's history.

    For more information, please visit the Study guide.

  • Case studies in Petrology

    This course focuses on the petrological aspects of major geodynamic environments. Petrological variations are at the core of the course but the importance of (isotope) geochemistry and regional tectonics will be stressed as ways of gaining a full understanding of the key processes that control magma genesis and metamorphism. A short field excursion focusing on the volcanology of the Eifel region in Germany is conducted at the end of the course.

    For more information, please visit the Study guide.

  • Isotope Geochemistry

    The course treats the following: Fundamentals of radioactive and radiogenic isotope geochemistry, Geochronology using long-lived and short-lived radioactive decay systems, Radiogenic isotopic tracers applied to the evolution of mantle, crust and sediments, and Stable isotopes: isotope fractionation and applications to paleoclimatology.

    For more information, please visit the Study guide.

  • Case studies in Tectonics

    Case studies in Tectonics focuses on integrating different scales in various structural geological settings. We explore the coupling between lithospheric processes, mantle dynamics, topographic expression and its structural expression from the scale of basins, orogens, outcrops to micro scale.

    For more information, please visit the Study guide.

  • Elective

    One additional course has to be chosen out of the elective courses within the minor: Planetary Science, Biogeosciences,  Sociale geografie I (in Dutch), and Watermanagement in the Netherlands.

    For more information, please visit the Study guide.

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