Students in Health Sciences, Health and Life Sciences and Biomedical Sciences can apply.
Understanding five major topics in health
Admission and Registration
Students in Health Sciences, Health and Life Sciences and Biomedical Sciences can apply.
Students in Health Sciences from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam who passed the elective course Bewegen en gezondheid (AB_1301), can apply for this minor. However, they have to choose another elective in stead of Moving matters in health (AB_1035). Don’t forget to request permission for this course from the Examination Board Self-Service Portal - Permission for an optional subject or minor -
This minor has a maximum of 60 participants on basis of first come first serve. This maximum is based on the maximum size of several courses within this minor. In order to take the minor, please sign in for the minor before 1 July. As soon as the registration period opens, you also need to register for the courses in the minor. Participation in the minor is assured only after successful registration for all courses.
- Is a green tick when selecting minors in the course registration module also sufficient when selecting minors with a maximum number of students?
No, in that case you ought to register timely for all courses before they reach the set max. See under the tab information on Courses > Register/deregister for courses and exams.
Caution: always select the academic year in which you plan to take the minor. This can be found in the right upper corner of the course registration module. - When can I register for the (minor)courses?
When registration starts. See under the tab – student – to study - courses or on Courses > Register/deregister for courses and exams. - I am registering for a minor with max courses. I am not sure there will be enough space. To be sure I would like to register for another minor, but it is not working. Can you help do this for me?
No, unfortunately not. Due to organisational constraints, you can only select one minor. You can also only take one minor, as it is not feasible to take two simultaneously. A minor is a full programme. Make sure you register timely for the course(s) of this minor.
- Is a green tick when selecting minors in the course registration module also sufficient when selecting minors with a maximum number of students?
Do you want to know more, or do you need advice?
Don’t hesitate to contact Anouk Vaes