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Discover the Fascinating World of the Brain

The purpose of this minor is to acquaint the student with different disciplines within the field of Neuroscience.

The student will become familiar with the workings and functions of different types of brain cells and brain areas. The student will learn how this knowledge can be used to understand characteristics of the healthy brain (e.g., perception, attention, learning and memory), of the developing brain (pre- and postnatal), and of the diseased brain (e.g., depression, addiction, eating disorders).

Note: Due to curriculum overlap, students from Biomedical Sciences and Health and Life Sciences from the VU cannot follow courses in this minor.

Overview courses

  • Cognitive Neuroscience

    In the first course, students learn how the brain “perceives” the outside world and how this leads to cognitive behavior. This course is a general, basic introduction into brain composition (e.g., cell types), brain structure, brain function, and neuronal communication, after which the biological basis of cognitive processes such as perception, consciousness, language, learning and memory are discussed.

    Note: Due to curriculum overlap, students from Biomedical Sciences and Health and Life Sciences from the VU cannot follow courses in this minor.

    See study guide.

  • Nature versus nurture

    Students are introduced to the history of “nature-versus-nurture” research, and will learn how twin- and family studies have pathed the way for current genome-wide gene-discovery studies. Students will familiarize themselves with the most recent behavioral genetics results, and will learn how these translate to state-of-the-art neuroscience research. Students are immersed in this new world of genetic information through discussions and presentations on the ethical aspects of DNA research.

    Note: Due to curriculum overlap, students from Biomedical Sciences and Health and Life Sciences from the VU cannot follow courses in this minor.

    See study guide.

  • Brain in trouble

    The focus of this course is on the etiology of mental disorders, such as addiction, ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and mood disorders, with special attention to the nature-versus-nurture discussion. Various treatment options for these conditions - including the use of pharmacological agents, behavioral therapy, and deep brain stimulation - are elucidated and discussed. Students will be challenged to critically reflect on the boundaries between normality and abnormality and the societal implications.

    Note: Due to curriculum overlap, students from Biomedical Sciences and Health and Life Sciences from the VU cannot follow courses in this minor.

    See study guide.

  • The developing brain

    The focus of this course is on the phases of brain development over the lifespan. The brain performs differently at various ages; the young brain is very plastic, whereas the aging brain gradually loses its adaptive capacity. In addition to normal brain development, specific genetic and environmental factors will be discussed that contribute to neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders, such as autism, schizophrenia, gender dysphoria and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

    Note: Due to curriculum overlap, students from Biomedical Sciences and Health and Life Sciences from the VU cannot follow courses in this minor.

    See study guide.

  • Mind and Machine

    In the final course, we take one step beyond the brain itself and look at the interaction between mind and machine. We will study the basic principles of artificial intelligence (AI) and brain computer-interfaces (BCI), and discuss current applications in society and associated ethical issues. Students experience hands-on how BCI can be used to self-regulate brain activity. They work in groups to investigate how science meets science fiction when developing a new application of AI and BCI in a product or a service. The entrance level of the course is for students without a background in exact sciences.

    Note: Due to curriculum overlap, students from Biomedical Sciences and Health and Life Sciences from the VU cannot follow courses in this minor.

    See study guide.

  • Video minor Brain & Mind

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