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Upgrade yourself to become a data scientist for life

Bioinformatics and Systems Biology


Check whether you meet the admission requirements and apply! 

Do you want to gain essential data science skills such as programming and calculus? And do you want to learn about current research in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology?

Then the minor Bioinformatics and Systems Biology is just the thing for you. Check here whether you meet the admission requirements and find out how to apply. The minor Bioinformatics and Systems Biology is open for all students doing a Science or Technical Bachelor's programme at a Dutch university, or a Bachelor's programme in, for instance, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Data Science or Life Sciences / HLO at a Dutch University of Applied Sciences. Check here whether you meet the admission requirements and find out how to apply.


  • Application

    Students in Computer Science, Information Science, Artificial Intelligence, Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Medical Natural Sciences, Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy and Mathematics can apply. Third and fourth year HBO students in HLO, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology can apply as well.

    More information:

  • Application as a pre-Master's student

    For students interested in the Master Bioinformatics and Systems Biology it is possible to register as a pre-Master's student. Please be aware of the fact that it is necessary to have a Bachelor’s degree in one of the programmes: Computer Science, Information Science, Artificial Intelligence, Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Medical Natural Sciences, Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy and Mathematics, HLO, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology. Most of the courses are in Semester 1.

Do you want to know more, or do you need advice?

Don’t hesitate to contact Marlies van Daalen