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Supporting staff

The Athena Institute comprises an international, transdisciplinary research and teaching community of about 100 scientists and support staff.

Supporting staff at the Athena Institute


Drs. Astrid van de Wal-Kooijmans

Department manager

Astrid van de Wal-Kooijmans

Nora Asad

MPA internship coordinator

Camille Bressers

Projectmanager Community service learning

Camille Bressers

Vanessa Borgart

Management assistent

Vanessa Borgart

Evelyne Griffioen

Management assistent

Evelyne Griffioen

Justine Hazenkamp-Browne

Management assistant

Justine Hazenkamp-Browne

Drs. Laura Lucht

EU project portfolio manager

Laura Lucht

Drs. Laura Paschedag

Communications advisor & confidential counsellor

Laura Paschedag

Bart Rossmark

Assistant department manager

Bart Rossmark

Drs. Lotte Snellenburg

Management assistant

Lotte Snellenburg

Eva Vos

Project manager FOODCLIC