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The transformative capacity of policy programme Agenda Stad

Agenda Stad is a policy programme that aims to enable Dutch cities to tackle complex challenges through innovative governance. In collaboration with the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), we study its key features to enhance its effectiveness and innovative capacity.

Agenda Stad (Agenda City) is a policy programme that was launched by the Ministry of the Interior ten years ago. It aims to support cities in improving their economy, liveability and sustainability through governance innovations, such as new inter-governmental cooperations. However, despite the programme’s successes, it faces challenges balancing to maintain its innovative nature and securing its institutional position within the Ministry.

Our research aims to understand and support Agenda Stad’s transformative capacity. How can we define its ability to address societal challenges? And how does the programme add value to generic and area-specific policies? On the other hand, we will also try to pinpoint the difficulties in embedding new approaches within the government, in order to overcome these barriers in the future.

We will  carry out qualitative research with a reflexive-action cycle element. Essentially, the research will strengthen the transformative potential of Agenda Stad by focussing on paradoxes that characterize transformative policies, and the strategies employed by actors that have to navigate these paradoxes. That way, the research will be insightful for actors that deal with similar challenges in transformative policies.

Team City Deal ‘Cycling for everybody’

Team City Deal ‘Cycling for everybody’

The core business of innovative policy program Agenda Stad is the closure of City Deals: concrete cooperation agreements aimed at solving various societal issues and strengthening the economic ecosystem of urban regions

Team City Deal - cycling for everybody. The core business of innovative policy program Agenda Stad is the closure of City Deals: concrete cooperation agreements aimed at solving various societal issues and strengthening the economic ecosystem of urban regions.

Project details

  • Website

    For more information, please visit the website of Agenda Stad:

  • Team

    This research project is part of the collaborative PBL - Athena programme 'Learning for Change’, focussing on governmental learning and transformation. In this partnership, Athena highlights action perspectives for transformative policy programmes such as Agenda Stad.

    The VU Athena project team consists of:

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