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Research domain: Competencies for Transformation

The Athena Institute develops, evaluates and embeds methodologies, tools and spaces to train students, professionals and researchers in transdisciplinary approaches. This will support them in facilitating and participating in successful multi-stakeholder processes to address complex societal problems. Find our projects listed below, divided into subthemes.

Universities of the future

Academia needs to keep up with societal developments. Increasingly heated public debates urge universities to rethink their role in society. They are expected to creatively include the knowledge and experiences of citizens, professionals and policy makers in scientific research and education. But how to do that? Athena develops innovative methods to engage societal actors in a playful and inclusive way.

Science with Society | Facilitates dialogues between Amsterdam's residents and students on societal issues 

Institutionalisation of Societally-Engaged Education | Embedding methodologies in which students learn by participation in society 

CONNECTS | Transdisciplinary Learning for Societal Transformations

InSPIRES | Innovative models for Science Shops (finalised)

Transdisciplinary Global Health Challenge | Collaborations between students and societal partners to address global health challenges (finalised)

Tools for transformation

Toolbox for Participatory Research | Creative and concrete tools and inspiration for research with societal stakeholders (Dutch)

Tool for Reflection on Interdisciplinary Teamwork | Sparks reflection on behaviour among collaborators in interdisciplinary education and research

Frame Reflection Lab Tool | Stimulates transdisciplinary collaborations through a playful format that sparks reflection on different views of science

Wheel of Action, Interaction and Reflection | Helps biotechnologists anticipate how their projects may interact with the world, and integrate these insights into their socio-technical design efforts

Food System Transformation Toolbox | Practical tools and methodologies for those engaging in food system transformation activities

Patient Engagement Toolbox | Co-created recommendations and tools to support patient engagement activities

Watch the Transformation Journey

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