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On this page you can find an overview of the publications related to the Amsterdam Centre for Religion and Sustainable Development. Publications such as factsheets and white papers related to our round tables can be found on the Round Tables page.


  • ACRSD-report on the relation between spiritual capital and sustainable development in the Netherlands (available in Dutch and English).
  • Third edition of the national report on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Netherlands includes a contribution on religion, here called 'philosophies of life', based on research of ACRSD (Dutch).
  • Book: Water in Times of Climate Change As follow up of the symposium Water in Times of Climate Change held in November 2019, we published a book that includes contributions of the symposium as well as reflections afterwards. This book on water and climate change goes beyond the usual and predictable analyses, by bringing religion and values into a discussion that is often dominated by technocratic solutions. The book can be ordered through Amsterdam University Press

Selection of publications:

  • J.J. Hasselaar (forthcoming 2023). ‘Surprised by Hope. Sabbath Theology as Response to Climate Change’. In: Missionalia: Southern African Journal of Missiology,. 
  • J.J. Hasselaar (forthcoming 2023). ‘Embracing Radical Uncertainty in Climate Change. Theology and Economics in Conversation’. In Journal of Economics, Theology and Religion. 
  • J.J. Hasselaar (forthcoming 2023). ‘And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. A politics of hope as religious heritage’. In: Blue Paper on Valuing Water and Culture at the United Nations Water Action Decade Midterm Review. 
  • J.J. Hasselaar (forthcoming 2023). 'Klimaatverandering'. In C.H. Doude van Troostwijk (ed.), Handboek Vindingrijk geloven, Middelburg: Uitgeverij Skandalon. 
  • J.J. Hasselaar (forthcoming 2023). ‘Design-Based Theology as a Response to Climate Change. Putting a Stake in the Ground’, In Journal of Reformed Theology. 
  • J.J. Hasselaar (forthcoming 2022). Climate Change, Radical Uncertainty and Hope. Theology and Economics in Conversation. Amsterdam: University Press. 
  • J.J. Hasselaar (forthcoming 2022). ‘How to Bridge Theology and Economics? A Postfoundational Approach’, Blog Next Level Economics Erasmus Institute for Business Economics. 
  • J.J. Hasselaar (forthcoming 2022). ‘The Good life of Hope in Times of Climate Change’, Blog Next Level Economics Erasmus Institute for Business Economics.
  • J.J. Hasselaar (forthcoming). ‘Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’, in M.J.H.M. Poorthuis & W. Veen (eds.), De moderne theologen. Teksten en toelichtingen Amsterdam: Boom uitgevers.
  • J.J. Hasselaar (forthcoming). ‘Klimaatverandering’, in Chris Doude van Troostwijk (ed.), Handlexicon vrijzinnig geloven en denken. Middelburg: Uitgever Skandalon.
  • J.J. Hasselaar, P. Pattberg & P.B. Smit (expected 2022). Sewing hope in a Polarized Debate on the Future of Agriculture, in The Journal of Reformed Theology.
  • J.J. Hasselaar. ‘Jonathan Sacks’, In M.J.H.M. Poorthuis & W. Veen (eds.), De moderne theologen, Amsterdam: Boom uitgevers, 2022, pp. 290-297. 
  • J.J. Hasselaar. ‘Oecumenisch Patriarch Bartholomeus’, In M.J.H.M. Poorthuis & W. Veen (eds.), De moderne theologen, Amsterdam: Boom uitgevers, 2022, pp. 237-243. 
  • J.J. Hasselaar, P. Pattberg & P.B. Smit, Sewing hope in a Polarized Debate on the Future of Agriculture, In Journal of Reformed Theology, 2022, pp. 155-176.   
  • E.C. IJmker (2022). 'Van groei naar rust: Wat de sabbat ons kan leren over het goede leven.' NZR-Cahiers 6: Opstandig leven, pp 99-107. 
  • J.J. Hasselaar (2021). 'Book review: Ernst M. Conradie, Secular Discourse on Sin in the Anthropocene: What’s Wrong with the World?' Philosophia Reformata 86, pp. 248 - 253. 
  • J.J. Hasselaar & E.C. IJmker, eds (2021). Water in Times of Climate Change: A Values-driven Dialogue. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
  • J.J. Hasselaar (2020). ‘Hope to Embrace Radical Uncertainty in Climate Change’, in E. Van Stichel & M. Kalsky (eds), Fullness of Life and Justice for All. Adelaide, Australia: ATF Press.
  • J.J. Hasselaar (2020). ‘Hope in the context of climate change: Jonathan Sacks’ Interpretation of the Exodus and radical uncertainty’, in International Journal of Public Theology, 14, pp. 224–240.

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