Water in times of climate change is one of the most compelling challenges societies worldwide have to meet: rising sea levels, desertification, shortage of drinking water and sanitation. In many ways our struggles with water will be crucial to the sustainability and viability of the earth. The symposium aimed to build dialogues between activists, scientists, governments, businesses, NGO’s, and religions. It envisioned to investigate issues related to water and climate change on interlocking dimensions: science, politics, economics, and religion. The symposium addressed the challenges from the vantage point of three major urban areas: Cape Town, Jakarta and Amsterdam. The symposium stimulated a holistic perspective in search of mutual understanding and shared languages for our common world.
For this symposium VU Amsterdam worked together with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, spiritual leader of 300 million Christians. Patriarch Bartholomew has played a pioneering role on sustainable development in the last 30 years. Admired and cited by Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si’, the ‘Green’ Patriarch proclaims that today’s ecological issues do not require only a technological solution, but also a transition of the underlying ethical values and spiritual ethos. His many initiatives represent the conviction that environmental challenges must be resolved in dialogue and partnership with all people of good will.