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The VU Amsterdam India Science Program

The VU Amsterdam India Science Program aims to increase the scientific and societal impact of VU Amsterdam and her partners

The programme strives to:

  • Improve the quality of our research and education by integrating new and diverse perspectives;
  • Make the most of the shared skill of English language proficiency between India and the Netherlands; 
  • Provide research and education opportunities for India's large and young population; 
  • Work with Indian research and education programs that open up more and internationalise under India's New Education Policy; 
  • Contribute to global challenges and build a community from India and the Netherlands around these ambitions; 
  • Increase the impact of applied research by broadening the geographical scope of our work;
  • Strengthen the valorisation of education and research through a larger network of entrepreneurs, internships, and jobs;
  • Enable co-financing from Dutch and Indian R&D capacity;
  • Explicitly contribute to SDG 17 by building partnerships to achieve SDG goals;
  • Create opportunities for VU and India scientists to promote themselves, their departments, and related research.

Many VU scientists are involved in joint research and educational activities with Indian partner. Check our Global Map and see what topics and scientists are involved.

A VU India Program Board is in charge of the program development, and the program management is conducted by Reyka Lycklama à Nijeholt.


VU India Science Program

Reyka Lycklama à Nijeholt: