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Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board's appointments are approved by the VU Association Members Council.

One member acts as trustee for the employee and student councils of the institutions. Members of the Supervisory Board are elected for a term of four years and can be re-elected once. 


  • Drs. R. (Ron) Teerlink - chair

    Ron Teerlink has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A. since 2013 and chair since 2016, until September 2021. He has also been chair of the General Members Council Rabobank.

    Previously, he was a Supervisory Board member at Kas Bank (2010-2013), Chief Administrative Officer and Supervisory Board member at RBS group (2008-2013), Chief Operating Officer and member of the Executive Board at ABN Amro Bank (2006-2010). Between 1986 and 2006, he held various positions at ABN Amro Bank. Teerlink studied Business Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

    Ron Teerlink has been appointed chair of the Supervisory Board of the VU Foundation until July 1, 2026.

     Current ancillary positions

    • Member of the Supervisory Board of Just Eat N.V.
    • Member Board of Commissioners NS
  • Drs. J.H.P.M. (Anne Marie) van der Wijst

    Anne Marie van der Wijst fulfills interim roles as CFO at various organizations, within her own consultancy firm. Until 2017 she was CFO and member of the Board of Directors of Transdev Holding BV. Prior to that, she held financial positions and leadership roles at Zodiac Aerospace Group BV and the Royal Netherlands Navy.

    Anne Marie van der Wijst has been appointed to the Supervisory Board of the VU Foundation until March 1, 2025. On the Supervisory Board, she holds the position of chair of the Audit and Housing Committee.

    Current ancillary positions

    • Member of the Supervisory Board of HVC and chair of the Audit Committee
    • Member of the Supervisory Board of Nederlands Loodswezen
    • Member of the Board of Directors of Stichting Zekerheden Reizigerstegoeden Translink
    • Member Supervisory Board of Stichting TAQA Theater De Vest/Grote Sint Laurenskerk
  • Prof. mr. dr. J.E. (Janne) Nijman

    Janne Nijman is professor of History and Theory of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam and senior fellow at the Amsterdam Center for International Law. She is also a professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva. Previously, she has been Chairperson of of the Executive Board of the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague, and its academic director (2015-2022).

    Janne Nijman has been appointed to the Supervisory Board of the VU Foundation with effect from 1 January 2023. Her appointment is upon nomination of the VU's employee participation body.

    Current ancillary positions:

    • Member Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) chair of its permanent Committee on Human Rights        (2023-2026).
    • Chairperson of the Supervisory Board World Press Photo Foundation
    • Member of the Supervisory Board PAX
    • Member International Jury UCLG Peace Prize
    • Chairperson International Law Association Study Group on 'The Role of Cities in International law' (together with Prof Dr Helmut Aust)

  • Prof. dr. A.W.M. (Andrea) Evers

    Andrea Evers is Professor of Health Psychology and Scientific Director at the Institute of Psychology. In addition, she is connected to Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University in Rotterdam as Medical Delta professor. She obtained her doctorate in 2003 at Radboud University (cum laude). In 2011 she was appointed as professor of Health Psychology of somatic diseases at Radboud University and in 2013 she became professor of Health Psychology at Leiden University.

    Current ancillary positions

    • Professor Healthy Society Medical Delta (U Leiden, TU Delft, Erasmus U)
    • Member KNAW Royal Academy for Arts and Sciences
    • Member adviesorgaan KNAW - Sociaal Wetenschappelijke Raad
    • Member KHMW (Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij der Wetenschappen)
    • President SIPS (Society for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies)
    • Board member Special Interest Group (SIG) Placebo and Pain IASP (International Association for the Studies of Pain)
    • Chair PGMP (Platform Gezondheids- en Medisch Psychologie)
    • Member Scientific Advisory Board - Behavioral Unit for Corona RIVM (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu)
    • Member The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy
    • Advisory Board Member ESDAP (European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry)
    • Member Scientific Advisory Board Diabetesfonds
    • Member Scientific Advisory Board Nierstichting
    • Member Societal Impact Team (‘Maatschappelijk Impact Team MIT’) Covid and other pandemics

    For a complete overview, see

  • Dr. T.B.P.M. (Tjark) Tjin-A-Tsoi

    Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi is CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of TNO. Until June 2022 he was CEO of the Sanquin Foundation and chair of Sanquin Health Solutions BV. Before that he was director general of Statistics Netherlands (CBS), general director at the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) and director of competition supervision at the Netherlands Competition Authority (now ACM).

    Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi has been appointed member of the Supervisory Board of the VU Foundation until September 1, 2025.

    Current ancillary positions

    • Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Stichting Pensioenfonds voor Huisartsen (SPH)
    • Member of the Supervisory Board of PreWonen (housing corporation)
    • Member of the 'Raad van Nesteliers' (Advisory Council) of the Royal Military Police
    • Member of the Supervisory Board of the Dutch National Opera & Ballet
  • F.G.T. Maas - secretary (contact)

    F.G.T. Maas is secretary of the Supervisory Board VU Amsterdam

    Contact F.G.T. (Fernie) Maas:
    T 020 59 82493

    Management assistant: Paulien Oosterhuis
    T 020 59 85320

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