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Study areas

Different types of study areas are available throughout the VU campus. Check PLEQ for the most up-to-date information.

For each university building PLEQ shows which areas are available for studying. For some rooms – like those in the University Library – it is indicated how busy they are.

Different types
Scattered around the university buildings, the VU campus offers different types of study places, where you can study independently or together with other students. You can use silent study rooms, project group rooms and places in the public space. There are also computer places on campus. You can also study in classrooms when there are no lectures or other (educational) activities. You can find out whether education is planned via the timetable website.

Study areas for online lectures
In case you have an online lecture before or after a physical lecture on campus there are additional study areas to join the online lecture. Extra study facilities are available for this purpose in the W&N building, both silent and interactive areas. These places are not intended for regular study activities. Check the locations below.

Study areas on campus

  • VU Main building

    Location and number of seats. You are not allowed to eat, call or discuss in the silent areas. 

    • KC-07 (hall) - 15
    • 1A-00b - 25 - temporarily closed for renovation
    • 1A-01i - silent 120 - temporarily closed for renovation
    • 1C - 268 
    • 2B-06 - groups 75
    • 3B-06 - silent 45
    • 3B-02/04/16 - groups 20 
    • 5A-14 - 10 
    • 5B-06 - silent 67
    • 5B-02/04/16 - groups 15 
    • 6A-02 - 50 
    • 6B-06 - silent 67
    • 6B-02/04/16 - groups 15 
    • 7A-14 - 10 
    • 7B-06 - silent 75 - temporarily closed for renovation
    • 7B-16 - groups 8 - temporarily closed for renovation
    • 8A - 36 
    • 8B-06 - 75 - temporarily closed for renovation
    • 8B-14 - 10 - temporarily closed for renovation
    • 9B - silent 45 
    • 10A - 58 
    • 10B - silent 33 
    • 11A - 16 
    • 11B - silent 51 - temporarily closed for renovation
    • 12B - silent 76 - temporarily closed for renovation
    • 13B - silent 40
    • 14A - 66 
    • 14B - silent 70
  • New University building

    Location and number of seats. You are not allowed to eat, call or discuss in the silent areas. 

    • NU-01A49 - silent 27
    • NU-01A61 - silent 16
    • NU-01A46 - 75
    • NU-02B45 - silent 39
    • NU-02B02 - groups 43
    • NU-03B36 - silent 39
    • NU-03A31 - 8
    • NU-03A07 - 6
    • NU-04A46 - 26
    • NU-04A01 - 10
    • NU-04B52 - 10
    • NU-04B02 - groups 54
    • NU-05A06 - silent 28
    • NU-05B52 - 12
    • NU-05B09 - 22
    • NU-05A33 - 13
    • NU-05A15 - 6
    • NU-06A33 - 10
    • NU-06A00 - 12
    • NU-06A02 - 5
    • NU-06C52 - 24
    • NU-06C48  - 5
    • NU-06B52y - 7
    • NU-06B18 - 5
    • NU-06A92 - 16
  • MF building

    Location and number of seats. You are not allowed to eat, call or discuss in the silent areas. 

    • MF-A002 - 28
    • MF-D015 - 37
    • MF-D024 - 44
    • MF-D025X - 7
    • MF-D057X - 12
    • MF-D116 - silent 54
    • MF-G010 - 26
  • W&N building

    Location and number of seats. You are not allowed to eat, call or discuss in the silent areas. 

    • WN-D100 - 24
    • WN-G026 - 21
    • WN-M000 - 39
    • WN-M100A - 35
    • WN-N328 - silent 15
    • WN-N600 - 15
    • WN-O600 - 10
    • WN-P617 - silent 20
    • WN-P670 - 22
    • WN-Q100 - 35
    • WN-N338 - silent 6
    • WN-N340 - silent 6
    • WN-N348 - silent 6

    Online education
    The following rooms are available for online education:

    Silent study areas for online education

    • C624 - 30
    • C638 - 30
    • C648 - 30
    • C668 - 30
    • F612 - 30
    • F630 - 30
    • F640 - 30
    • M616 - 24
    • M632 - 24
    • M648 - 24
    • M664 - 24
    • S624 - 18
    • S640 - 18
    • P624 - 24

    Interactive study areas for online education

    • S201 - 33
    • S203 - 26
    • S205 - 33
    • S209 - 32
    • S329 - 24
    • S345 - 26
    • S353 - 14
  • Initium

    Location and number of seats

    • 1B00a - 18
    • 2A - groups 21
    • 2A16 - 12
    • 2A18 - 24
  • O|2 Lab building

    Location and number of seats

    • E0-39 - 106
  • Amsterdam UMC - location VUmc

    Location and number of seats. You are not allowed to eat, call or discuss in the silent areas. 

    • MB - silent 310