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Staff council

The staff council (OR), as a staff representative, exercises influence on the administrative decisions of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Employee participation at VU Amsterdam

VU Amsterdam has had a staff council (OR) in place since 1999. The council consists of university employees. The university also has a student council, whose members are university students.

The OR’s members are elected by university employees from among candidates who are members of the various trade unions. During the OR’s 2011-2014 term, its 21 members are divided among the fractions of ABVAKABO, CNV Pulbieke Zaak and ProVU. The OR’s authority is drawn from the provisions of the Works Councils Act (WOR). In accordance with the Act, the purpose of the staff council is to 'promote employee participation in the interest of the proper functioning of the university in all its objectives.'

In order to achieve this, the OR is invested with various rights as described in the Act. This includes the right to be informed, the right to prior consultation and the right of consent (also see the duties and powers of the OR). The OR’s work is primarily delegated to committees.

In addition, VU Amsterdam also has a joint meeting (GV) consisting of the members of the OR and the members of the student council. The Higher Education and Research Act (WHW) regulates the GV’s authority, which is related to the adoption of the annual university budget, the annual report (including financial statements) and the Strategic Plan (multiannual policy plan) among other things.
Each faculty and most service dapartments have a subcommittee (ODC). The ODCs act as a local OR in affairs that are restricted to the faculty or service department in question.

The OR does not represent the interests of individual employees; the trade unions and other bodies are active in this area.

OR presentation Mars

I want to join the OR/ODC.