Visiting Adress:
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam
+31 (0) 20 - 598 5020
Here are list of SBE experts who are a part of VBL.
Visiting Adress:
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam
+31 (0) 20 - 598 5020
Here are list of SBE experts who are a part of VBL.
Our experts in School of Business and Economics
Agnes Bäker
Associate Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics
Katharina Brütt
Assistant Professor, Ethics, Governance and Society, School of Business and Economics
Katinka Quintelier
Associate Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics
Arjen van Witteloostuijn
Dean, School of Business and Economics , Full Professor, Ethics, Governance and Society, School of Business and Economics
Tom Moliterno
Full Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics
Femke van Horen
Scientific director of VU Behavioural Lab, Professor of Consumer Behaviour, School of Business and Economics
Wouter Stam
Full Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics
Maria Tims
Full Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics
Rafael Wilms
Assistant Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics
Juan Mendoza Rodriguez
Associate Professor, Accounting, School of Business and Economics
Marco van Gelderen
Associate Professor, Management and organization, School of Business and Economics
Evgenia I. Lysova
Associate Professor, Management and organization, School of Business and Economics
Christina Rott
Associate Professor, Management and organization, School of Business and Economics
Rebecca Ruehle
Assistant Professor, Management and organization, School of Business and Economics
Brian Tjemkes
Professor, Management and organization, School of Business and Economics
Dirk Inghels
Associate Professor, Operation Analytics, School of Business and Economics
Paul Koster
Assistant Professor, Spatial Economics, School of Business and Economics
Sorravich Kingsuwankul
Research Associate, Management and Organization, School of Business and Economics
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