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Research data management plan

A Data Management Plan (DMP) serves as a guide for all types of research and data collection. It assists the investigator in planning the data collection and organisation, and also helps in paying attention to certain regulations, law, licenses, ethical guidelines, etc.

How to write a DMP

The VU offers the online tool DMPonline for writing Data Management Plans. DMPonline offers templates from several funders and universities.

DMP Elements: project description, planning, data assets description, ethical framework, legal framework, method of data collection and/or re-use, storage, archiving, access and costs. 

Templates for Data Management Plans

There are many forms and formats for DMPs and many funders have their own template.
The RDM support portal offers guidance, information, examples and references to specific VU support & services.
A matrix of funder requirements is available here.

More templates can be found in the DMPonline. This is an advanced tool that allows you and others to collaborate when creating and editing a plan. The tool also allows you to invite experts or data stewards to have a look at different sections and create comments. You can register using your VU login credentials.

Course for PhD Students: Writing a Data Management Plan

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