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ReSCU - Publications by ReSCU members

See our publications below:

Aaldering, H., & Kopelman, S. (2022). Dovish and hawkish influence in distributive and integrative negotiations: The role of (a)symmetry in constituencies. Group Decision and Negotiation, 31, 111-136.

Aaldering, H., & Böhm, R. (2020). Parochial versus universal cooperation: Introducing a novel economic game of within- and between-group interaction. Social Psychology and Personality Science, 11, 36 – 45.

Aaldering, H., Ten Velden, F. S., Van Kleef, G. A., & De Dreu, C. K. W. (2018). Parochial cooperation in nested intergroup dilemmas is reduced when it harms outgroups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Hogan, J. J. (2023) 'Shame, Exasperation and Institutional Design: The African Union As an Emotional Security Community,' African and Asian Studies, 22(1-2), 88–112.

Eski, Y. & Sergi, A., Ethnic profiling of organised crime? A tendency of mafia-cation in the Netherlands 25 Aug 2023, In: Trends in Organized Crime.

Eski, Y. A Criminology of the Human Species: Setting an Unsettling Tone, 2023, Palgrave Macmillan. 142 p.

Eski, Y. A Criminological Biography of an Arms Dealer 2022, Routledge. 266 p. (Routledge Studies in Crime and Society)

Hogan, J.J. (2020) 'Competing Architects: Applying Social Contextualist Analysis to Negotiations on the African Peace and Security Architecture,' African Security, 13(1), 3-12. 

Hogan, J. J. (2020) 'What a Difference a Decade Makes: Understanding Security Policy Reversals Between the Organisation of African Unity and the African Union,' Visions of African Unity: New Perspectives on the History of Pan-Africanism and African Unification Projects, 289-316.

Keesman, L. D. (2023). The showability of policing: How police officers’ use of videos in organizational contexts reproduces police culture. European Journal of Criminology, 14773708221144826. Winner of the Early-Career Prize 2023 European Society of Criminology Policing Working Group.

Keesman, L. D. (2022). Action accounts of police-civilian interactions: Using video elicitation to explore police officers’ how-to knowledge. Poetics, 91, 101561.

Keesman, L. D. (2022). ‘FREEZE?’An analysis of police officers accounts of self-enclosing experiences. Policing and society, 32(8), 981-996.

Klein, Ofra, and Jasper Muis. 2019. “Online discontent: Comparing Western European far-right groups on Facebook.” European societies 21(4): 540-562.

Muis, Jasper, Tobias Brils, and Teodora Gaidytė. 2022. “Arrived in power, and yet still disgruntled? How government inclusion moderates ‘protest voting’ for far-right populist parties in Europe.” Government and Opposition 57(4): 749-778.

Muis, Jasper and Tim Immerzeel, Tim. 2017. “Causes and consequences of the rise of populist radical right parties and movements in Europe.” Current Sociology 65(6): 909-930.

Steden, R. van, Anholt, R. & Koetsier, R. (2021). De kracht van gebiedsgebonden politiewerk: een internationale literatuurstudie. Den Haag/Amsterdam: Politie Nederland/Vrije Universiteit/NSCR.

Steden, R. van (2018). ‘Street Pastors: on security, care and faith’. European Journal of Criminology, 15 (4), 403-420.

Steden, R. van, Wood, J., Shearing, C. & Boutellier, H. (2016). ‘The many faces of nodal policing: team play and improvisation in Dutch community safety’. Security Journal, 29 (3), 327-339.

Wagner, W.M. The Democratic Politics of Military Interventions. Political Parties, Contestation and Decisions to Use Force Abroad, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020. 

Wagner, W.M. Liberal Power Europe, in: Journal of Common Market Studies 55: 6 (2017), 1398-1414.

Wagner, W.M. Challenging Executive Dominance. Legislatures and Foreign Affairs (Special Issue of West European Politics) 2017 (co-edited with Tapio Raunio).

Walker, E. T., van den Broek, T., Priante, A., & Ehrenhard, M. L. (2023). Patient‐activist or ally? Assessing the effectiveness of conscience and beneficiary constituents in disease advocacy fundraising. Sociology of Health & Illness.  

Wang, C. A Unified Autonomous Europe? Public Opinion on EU's Foreign and Security Policy" (with Alexandru Moise). Journal of European Public Policy, 30(8), 2023, pp.1679-1698

Wang, C. Emergency Politics, Mass Sentiment, and the EU during COVID (with Abel Bojar, Ioana-Elena Oana and Zbigniew Truchlewski. Comparative European Politics, 21(4), 2023, pp.491-514.

Wang, C. The Effect of Austerity Packages on Government Popularity during the Great Recession (with  Abel Bojar, Björn Bremer and Hanspeter Kriesi. British Journal of Political Science, 52(1), 2022, pp.181-199. \\

Weißmüller, Kristina S., & Zuber, Anna (2023). “Understanding the Micro-foundations of Administrative Corruption in the Public Sector: Findings from a Systematic Literature Review” Public Administration Review. 1-23 [open access]

Weißmüller, Kristina S. (2022). “Publicness and Micro-Level Risk Behaviour: Experimental Evidence on Stereotypical Discounting Behaviour” Public Management Review, 24(4): 601-630.

Weißmüller, Kristina S., De Waele, Lode, & van Witteloostuijn, Arjen (2022). “Public Service Motivation and Prosocial Rule-Breaking – An international vignettes study in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands” Review of Public Personnel Administration, 42(2): 258-286.

Van den Broek, T., Langley, D. J., Ehrenhard, M. L., & Groen, A. (2022). When Do Evaluators Publicly Express Their Legitimacy Judgments? An Inquiry into the Role of Peer Endorsement and Evaluative Mode. Organization Science.

Van den Broek, T., Langley, D., & Hornig, T. (2017). The effect of online protests and firm responses on shareholder and consumer evaluation. Journal of business ethics, 146, 279-294.  

Van der Pas, D.J., and Aaldering, L. (2020). ‘Gender Differences in Political Media Coverage: a Meta-Analysis’, Journal of Communication, 70 (1): 114-143.

Vrăbiescu, Ioana & Anderson, Bridget “Affective Control: The emotional life of (en)forcing mobility control in Europe”, (forthcoming) Special Issue of Identities Journal, coordinated by Ioana Vrăbiescu & Bridget Anderson, 2023.

Vrăbiescu, Ioana “‘Detention is morally exhausting’: Melancholia of detention centres in France”, in SI “Affective Mobilities Control”, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power Journal, 1-17, 2022.

Vrăbiescu, Ioana Deporting Europeans: The Racialized Mobility of Romanians in France. Lexington Books, 2021.

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