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Recognition and Rewards

VU Amsterdam is committed to recognising and rewarding a broader set of academic qualities. This will result in an evenly balanced assessment, creating more room for a diversity of talent.

We are working towards equal recognition of all academic domains: teaching, research, impact/valorisation and patient care (for UMC and ACTA). Open science, team science and leadership are key components of this. To that end, we ensure that our academic staff can develop in a direction that suits them and that together they can excel and contribute to the greater whole.

Recognition and Rewards is an initiative of all Dutch universities, university hospitals, research institutes and funding bodies. There is a lot of mutual coordination, but each university adds its own personal touch, within the national frameworks.

Recognition and Rewards at VU Amsterdam

Recognition and Reward in a nutshell

In this video we explain in less than two minutes what Recognition and Rewards means at VU Amsterdam. It will show you at a glance what we are working towards. (In Dutch.) 

This is how we are already implementing Recognition and Rewards

  • Career paths at VU

    In line with the national agreements, we have revised the academic career paths from Assistant Professor to Associate and Full Professor. Take a look at these finalised career paths. We have started with designing a career path for lecturers as well.

  • Open science

    At VU Amsterdam we expect our employees to work according to the principles of open science, by making their scientific outputs (e.g., publications, data, software, educational materials) and the processes that led to them findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR), and fostering collaborations within academia as well as with societal partners. There is more attention for involving societal stakeholders in the research process (citizen science, transdisciplinary research, public-private partnerships) and for engaging in a dialogue with society via science communication. We move away from focusing solely on the quantity of research outputs, and give more emphasis to the quality of the scientific and social contribution of our work.

  • Art of Engagement

    VU Amsterdam implements the priority area of Leadership in Recognition and Rewards through The Art of Engagement: how can you integrate personal leadership in your work as part of the organisation as a whole? We make the organisation a better and more focused place if we all contribute actively – through commitment to the greater whole – to the way we interact with one another. The place where cooperation matters most is the team. We are all members of a team, even though it might seem we are not. By applying the principles of The Art of Engagement more actively in teams and by improving the collective teamwork, we make the organisational culture better and we value each other’s contribution more explicitly.

  • Incubator for junior lecturers

    In the incubator for junior lecturers, organised by the LEARN! Academy, junior lecturers and D4 exchange experiences, get inspiration and develop as teaching experts. Come along on a Thursday or to one of the many events organised by the Incubator. You can find the Incubator in the NU building, in 6A69. 

  • Active in national programme and European coalition

    Recognition and Rewards is high on the agenda not only at VU Amsterdam, but also at all the Dutch knowledge institutions and research funding agencies. Read the national e-magazine (nov 2023) with best practices, interviews and blogs in which academics from inside and outside VU give their personal views on this topic. 

    You can read more about recognition and rewards in the Position Paper ‘Room for everyone’s talent’, the website of Universities of the Netherlands and the web page of the National programme Recognition and Reward.

    At a European level VU Amsterdam is affiliated with the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment, which examines subjects related to Recognition and Rewards.

  • How VU Amsterdam academics apply Recognition and Rewards

    Recognition and Rewards is already in the DNA of many VU Amsterdam academics. For instance, Yvette Taminiau won the Van der Duijn Schouten Teaching Award for the way in which her teaching focuses on exchanges with external partners and alumni networks. And there’s Jelle Tichelaar, who set up a programme oriented to leadership and team building in an educational environment. And Joris Amin, who as a PhD candidate researched the integration of refugees and how their job prospects can be improved. 

VU academics on recognition and rewards

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