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Publications of the Wellbeing @ Work Lab

View our publications:

Scientific Articles

Cremers AL, & Janssen C. (2023) COVID-19-related trauma and the need for organizational healing in a Dutch nursing home. Social Science & Medicine; 327, 115799.

Glimmerveen, L., Ybema, S., & Nies, H. (2022). Who Participates in Public Participation? The Exclusionary Effects of Inclusionary Efforts. Administration & Society, 54(4), 543-574.

Glimmerveen, L., Ybema, S., & Nies, H. (2020). Engaged yet excluded: The processual, dispersed, and political dynamics of boundary work. Human Relations, 73(11), 1504-1536.

Glimmerveen, L., Nies, H. and Ybema, S., 2019. Citizens as Active Participants in Integrated Care: Challenging the Field’s Dominant Paradigms. International Journal of Integrated Care, 19(1), p.6.DOI:

Glimmerveen, L., Ybema, S., & Nies, H. (2018). Empowering citizens or mining resources? The contested domain of citizen engagement in professional care services. Social Science & Medicine, 203, 1-8.

Glimmerveen, L (2020). Citizen participation: Bargaining over boundaries in the organization of care services. Dissertatie.

van Duijn, S., Bannink, D., & Ybema, S. (2022). Working Toward Network Governance: Local Actors’ Strategies for Navigating Tensions in Localized Health Care Governance. Administration & Society, 54(4), 660-689.

Van Duijn, S. (2020). Everywhere and nowhere at once: the challenges of following in multi-sited ethnography. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 9(3), 281-294.

Van Duijn, S. (2022) Tinkering with tensions: Boundary work and collaborative governance. With distinction Cum Laude. Dissertation.

Van Duijn, S., D. Bannink & S. Ybema (2022) Working toward network governance: Local actors’ strategies for navigating tensions in localized health care governance. Administration & Society

Etnografische films en rapporten – Ethnographic films and reports

Glimmerveen, L (2016) Over betrokken burgers en Chinese Muren in de langdurige zorg.

Losse Eindjes (2024) Ethnographic film.