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Podcast - Nooit meer schrijven? (“Never write again?”)

Should students still learn to write now we have ChatGPT?

In this podcast, Gea Dreschler, assistant professor of English linguistics and academic director of the Academic Language Programme of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam talks to guests about Artificial Intelligence and writing skills. Can we still assess students by using written assignments? What skills does a student actually need to write a text? And can we use AI tools to make students better writers? We’ll explore the topic from a range of perspectives.

Teaser – Welkom! (“Welcome!”)

Teaser – Welkom! (“Welcome!”)

Welcome to Nooit meer schrijven? In this teaser, we introduce ourselves and explain why we have made a podcast series about Artificial Intelligence and writing skills. And you will get a first impression of the topics of the first three episodes.

Listen to the episodes

Contact Academic Language Programme

For VU staff: you can contact us about ALP courses for you or your students or with questions about language policy or communicative skills.

Dr. Gea Dreschler, academic director ALP

Dr. Nel de Jong, coordinator ALP for Dutch (NT1, NT2)

For students: for questions or information about a course, workshop or coaching, contact us at