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Our mission

It is the AIDG lab's mission to conduct research for thoughtful and critical use of AI and digital technology.

Our lab contributes to fostering an enhanced academic and public understanding of AI and digital governance issues. This includes public organisations’ need to be demanding and discerning users and consumers of AI and digital technologies, by understanding both the opportunities and the challenges these technologies bring when it comes to citizen-state interactions and citizens’ experience of government as well as their broader implications for the very nature of government and democracy.

The lab is a platform for mutual inspiration, research and outreach on the theme of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Governance. We produce cutting-edge research that aims to shape the conversation around AI and digital technology towards a more balanced and informed debate. We aim to encourage a thoughtful and critical use of the technology, mindful of both its positive and negative effects, social consequences and impact on public values and public institutions.

Learn more about the AIDG lab