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Opening of the Academic Year

The new academic year will kick off on Monday 2 September with the Opening Academic Year. This year's theme is 'Reasons for Hope'.

In these challenging times, where uncertainty often looms large, hope is essential. Hope is a longing for improvement, for which we are prepared to take action. It ensures that people continue courageously, it strengthens our bonds, and inspires us to build a positive future. The Opening of the Academic Year 2024/2025 launches hope as the theme for this academic year.

Margrethe Jonkman, President of the Executive Board, will welcome the attendees and outline the context of the event. She will provide examples of inspiring projects within VU Amsterdam in the fields of education, research, and valorisation.

Keynote by Eric van der Burg 

Eric van der Burg, former Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, is now a VVD MP. He is known for his can-do attitude and is convinced that tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday. Together with him, we will look at examples of hope. 

Interviews with Scientists 

Following the keynote, moderator Anne de la Croix will engage in discussions with Jan Jorrit Hasselaar, Bas Teusink, and Eveline Tiekink.

Jan Jorrit Hasselaar: Hope in Relation to Uncertainty
In his research, economist-theologian Jan Jorrit Hasselaar focuses on the attitude, not just the action, with which complex issues around infrastructure are tackled. He highlights the dangers of optimism and pessimism leading potentially to polarisation and paralysis. Hasselaar brings together hope and radical uncertainty in an interdisciplinary manner, in interaction with societal partners.

AIMMS: Bridging Science to Society
AIMMS is committed to positively influencing life and the environment by accelerating breakthroughs in molecular science. The scientists at AIMMS aim to bridge scientific knowledge to society, with practical applications that have a broad impact.

Bas Teusink, director of AIMMS, and Eveline Tiekink, AIMMS PhD council member and PhD candidate in theoretical chemistry, demonstrate how they achieve this. For instance, they talk about innovative initiatives such as organising hackathons, which bring together a new generation of researchers to find solutions for complex challenges.

Presentation by Désanne van Brederode

Désanne van Brederode is Writer in Residence for the academic year 2024/2025. She will deliver a column on the representation of hope.

Afterwards, we will raise a glass to a promising academic year. The afternoon is set to be an inspiring one, brimming with moments of hope.


14:30 - 15:15 - Arrival and registration
15:30 - 15:45 - Opening by Margrethe Jonkman
15:45 - 16:05 - Keynote by Eric van der Burg
16:05 - 16:10 - Intermezzo
16:10 - 16:30 - Interviews with Jan Jorrit Hasselaar, Bas Teusink and Eveline Tiekink
16:30 - 16:40 - Column by Désanne van Brederode
16:40 - 16:45 - Closing
16:45 - 17:30 - Reception

Language of the event: Dutch
* The event will be translated into English for non-Dutch speakers


Registration is possible until Monday, 2 September, by sending an email to

About the guest speakers

Eric van der Burg
Politician and a member of the VVD in the Dutch parliament. He studied law and notarial law at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and began his political career in the Zuidoost district and the Amsterdam city council. From 2010 to 2018, he was a deputy mayor in Amsterdam, responsible for areas including health, welfare, and sports. From 2021 to 2024, he was the Secretary of State for Justice and Security in the Rutte IV cabinet, with a portfolio covering asylum and migration. Van der Burg is known for his pragmatic approach and commitment to social and societal issues. Leadership and hope are key concepts here. As a politician, he aims to represent people without a voice based on his liberal principles.

Jan Jorrit Hasselaar
Economist and theologian at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where he heads the Amsterdam Centre for Religion & Sustainable Development. He is also a research fellow at the University of the Western Cape (South Africa). He approaches transition tasks from both economic and theological perspectives. As an ambassador for the SIRE campaign 'Vind je Lichtpuntje en Durf te Hopen' (Find your Beacon and Dare to Hope), he encourages Dutch people to learn to embrace hope.

Bas Teusink
Chief Science Officer at the interdisciplinary research institute AIMSS and professor of systems biology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Here, he and his team research the design principles of biological regulatory systems in microorganisms. He combines theory, computer simulations, and quantitative experiments in the Systems Biology Lab to understand why and how regulatory systems contribute to the fitness of organisms.

Eveline Tiekink
PhD candidate in theoretical chemistry with a passion for physical chemistry. She began her PhD research at VU Amsterdam in September 2021. Her current focus is on understanding the reactivity in catalysed organic reactions through quantum chemical research.

Désanne van Brederode
Studied philosophy at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She writes novels and essays filled with original and inspiring thoughts. Some of her novels include Ave verum corpus, Hart in hart, Stille zaterdag, and Zielland. Ziel onder de arm is a collection of essays for those who strive to live consciously and attentively. For many years, she was a columnist on the television program Buitenhof.

Moderator Anne de la Croix
University lecturer within the Research in Education team at the Faculty of Medicine, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She researches education and interaction, focusing on the role of reflective conversations in the journey from student to doctor. As a Senior Comenius Fellow, she leads educational innovations involving patients and their relatives in the training of future healthcare professionals.

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