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Martin Luther King lecture

Martin Luther King's non-violent struggle for equal rights is still an inspiration today. With his speeches, he enthused many and managed to build bridges and remove resistance.

In 1965, King received the honorary doctorate in Social Sciences from VU Amsterdam; three years later, he was shot dead in Memphis, Tennessee. This annual lecture is in memory of his work and to inspire the prevailing zeitgeist.

Lecture 2024

On Wednesday 9 October 2024, professor Bryan Stevenson will present the Martin Luther King Lecture 2024 at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 

Lectures from previous years

2023: Anthony Bogues
          Why we can't wait

2021: Jennifer Tosch
           Black Heritage Night          

2020: Wes Bellamy
          We cannot walk alone

2019: Samira Rafaela
          Game Changers

2018: Jörgen Raymann (with Don Ceder, Giovanca and Jerry King Luther Afriyie)
           Live together or perish as fools

2017: Nasrdin Dchar
          Een droom voor iedereen

2015: Lodewijk Asscher
          Gelijke rechten betekent niet gelijke kansen

2014: Rev. Mpho Tutu
           Passing on the tradition of hope 

2013: Mary King
           A single garment of destiny: Martin Luther King Jr. and our world 

2011: Jan Peter Balkenende
          'Wij' in plaats van 'ik'

2010: Jesse Jackson
           Keep hope alive

2009: Paul Scheffer
           Een emancipatie zonder einde

2008: James Kennedy
           Promised land