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Guidelines for placing a vacancy SBE

Guidelines for placing a vacancy
  • All posts will be reviewed by the Career Services team before publication on the platform. We reserve the right to turn down or withhold any vacancies received
  • Only relevant jobs and internships will be accepted. The required level of education should be academic and the content related to topics in relevant for students in business, economics, social sicences and/or humanities
  • We aim to publish vacancies within three working days after posting
  • We do not advertise vacancies which require students to make any payment to take up an opportunity
  • We will only advertise vacancies posted on the Career Platform. Vacancies sent to us by email will not be advertised
  • The SBE career platform is a not-for-profit platform; we do not accept vacancies posted by temporary employment agencies and other intermediaries that recruit and/or select candidates for other organizations
  • We reserve the right to make changes and corrections to this website and/or add further guidelines at any time without notice.

SBE is not involved in the actual recruitment process. However:

  • We expect users of the platform to handle applications with care. You can greatly support our student’s learning process by providing them with feedback on their applications – rejections included
  • When recruiting students please be aware of their study obligations and bear these in mind when negotiating hours of work and duration of the internship
  • In order to attract good applicants we would encourage you to pay a rate of pay appropriate to the level of position and required candidate profile.

If you have any questions about these conditions or the SBE Career Platform, please contact us at