If you have published your work Closed Access with a publisher, you can also upload a version of your work in a repository. Often, publishers will set limitations on how you can share your work. They often impose an embargo period, only allow a certain version of the work to be made openly available (f.e. only the Author Accepted Manuscript, not the publisher’s version/Version of Record) and/or only approve of non-commercial repositories. Whether publication via the green route is allowed and what conditions should be observed can be found on the website of SHERPA/RoMEO, which lists the Open Access policy of all publishers.
Automatically open after 6 months
Dutch law (article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act) grants every author the right to share their short scientific work in the publisher's version 6 months after the first (non-Open Access) publication date.
The University Library supports all VU researchers who want to make their publications automatically accessible with this approach. Formerly, you had to register for the 'You Share, We Take Care-project'. From 1 January 2023, the new VU Open Access policy is in effect and the University Library will automatically make all your short scientific work Open Access available in the VU Repository (PURE) after an embargo of 6 months, unless you choose to opt-out your publication(s).
- You have to have an employment contract with VU;
- You are a corresponding author or co-author of the publication;
- The publication is a short scientific work. This includes articles, conference proceedings and book chapters in edited volumes;
- It was first published during the time you were employed at VU.
Do you want to exclude a publication from being made automatically Open Access? Opt-out after 16 December 2022!
Research funding
Have you received funding from a grantor/fund? The green route is accepted by Plan S, Horizon Europe and the ERC, but only if the publication is made available in the repository without an embargo deadline and published under an open licence. By having your work automatically made open by the University Library after 6 months, you run the risk of not meeting your fund's requirements. Many research fund providers therefore offer you the option of making your work directly green Open Access under the Rights Retention Strategy. Do you have questions about this or want more information? If so, please contact the Open Access Team at