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Gold Open Access: deals with publishers

Research results that are been published via the golden route are immediately available on the publisher's website and can be accessed free of charge. Publication costs (Article Processing Charges or APC’s) are paid by the author, the author’s institution or the funding body.

Gold vs Hybrid
Within the gold route there are two variants: gold and hybrid. Gold Open Access journals only publish Open Access content. Hybrid journals publish through the traditional (Closed Access) subscription model. After payment of a fee (APC), individual articles can be made Open Access. Gold journals will grant your publication an open Creative Commons licence. Under this licence, the work is kept under the copyright of the author. Not all hybrid journals offer the possibility of choosing a Creative Commons licence. An exclusive licence is offered through which copyright is signed over to the publisher.

The VU has made agreements with several publishers so researchers and authors from VU and Amsterdam UMC / location VUmc can publish Open Access without cost or at a discounted rate. The VU Journal Publishing Guide shows whether Open Access publishing is possible and whether Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has an Open Access deal with the journal (i.e. whether an APC discount applies).

What should you take into account if you want to take advantage of these deals? 

  • The VU Journal Publishing Guide shows for each journal whether Open Access publishing is possible and whether the VU has an Open Access deal with the journal (i.e. whether an APC discount applies).
  • Choose the least restrictive Creative Commons (CC-BY) licence.
  • Please note that some deals are subject to an annual quota. Information on the maximum number of articles can be found in the VU Journal Publishing Guide. Researchers who want to stay informed about the status of discount deals can also register for a 'notify-me service'.

Information about publishing deals

American Chemical Society (ACS) 
Information about publishing with ACS on

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 
Information about publishing with ACM on

Biomed Central

License conditions and workflow

    • Corresponding authors of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, can receive a 15% discount on article-processing charges (APCs) for publishing in the full Open Access journals of BioMed Central and Springer Open.

How does it work?

    • If you submit your manuscript from an IP address at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, you will automatically receive the discount.
    • If you are submitting from outside your institution's registered IP range, you must submit a request for the discount to be approved.
    • Click on 'I believe that I am covered by a BMC/ SpringerOpen Membership Account and wish to request institutional payment or discount (as applicable).'
    • Select ‘Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam’ or ‘Vrije Universiteit Medical Center’ from the drop-down menu on the APC agreement page.
    • The publication is published open access with a CC-BY license.
    • More information about the procedure can be found on the Springer website. 

Information about publishing with Brill on

Cambridge University Press
Information about publishing with Cambridge University Press on

Cogitatio Press

How does it work?

  • When submitting the manuscript, always use the email address of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam or Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc
  • You will receive confirmation that the costs will be paid by the institution.

Company of Biologists, The 
Information about publishing with The Company of Biologists on

De Gruyter
Information about publishing with De Gruyter on

Information about publishing with Elsevier on

Information about publishing with Emerald on

Geological Society of London

How does it work ?

  • When submitting the manuscript, always use the email address of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam or the Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc.
  • You will receive confirmation that the costs will be paid by the institution.

IOS Press
Information about publishing with IOS Press on

John Benjamins Publishing

  • Corresponding authors from VU University and Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, can publish Open Access free of charge in approximately 100 journals.
  • The publication is published Open Access with a CC-BY license.

How does it work ?

  • Include the name of the institution when submitting an article.
  • When submitting the manuscript, always use the email address of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam or the Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc.
  • You will receive confirmation that the costs will be paid by the institution.

Information about publishing with Karger on

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
Information about publishing with LWW on

Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie (MAB)
Researchers and lecturers of the  Vrije Universiteit and Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc can publish free of charge in the monthly Dutch Open Access Journal of Accountancy and Business Economics.


  • License conditions and workflow
    • Corresponding authors of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, receive a 10% discount on the Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Open Access publications.

How does it work ?

    • When submitting the manuscript, always use the email address of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam or the Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc
    • You will receive a request from MDPI to confirm your details and affiliation.
    • The publication is published open access with a CC-BY license.
    • More information about the discount scheme can be found on the MDPI website.

Oxford University Press
Information about publishing with Oxford University Press on

Royal Society

  • License conditions and workflow
    • Corresponding authors of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, receive a 25% discount on open access publication costs for all eleven peer-reviewed tijdschriften of the Royal Society.
    • The publication is published open access with a CC-BY license.

How does it work ?

    • When submitting the manuscript, choose “Open Access publishing” and then select “Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam” from the list of Membership Institutions.
    • When submitting your manuscript, always use the email address of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam or Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc.
    • The 25% discount will be granted by the Royal Society upon verification by the library.

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Information about RSC on

Information about publishing with Sage on

SciPost Physics
An initiative of UvA researchers, primarily focusing on physics. With open peer review. Researchers and lecturers of the  Vrije Universiteit and Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc can publish free of charge in SciPost Physics.

Information about publishing with Springer on

Taylor & Francis
Information about publishing with Taylor & Francis on

Information about publishing with Thieme on

Information about publishing with Wiley on

Questions about Open Access publishing?

Please contact the Open Access team at the University Library!


Profile photo of Open Access librarian Anne van den Maagdenberg

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