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Faculty of Science (BETA) experts

At the Faculty of Science, VU Amsterdam, researchers are passionately tackling today's critical issues, from sustainability and climate change to data science and healthcare, to shape a better future.

Visiting Adress:

De Boelelaan 1081 , W&N building

1081 HV Amsterdam



Hier is een lijst van BETA experts die deel uitmaken van VBL.

Faculty of Science (BETA) experts

Our experts from Faculty of Science

Ilias Gerostathopoulos

Assistant Professor, Software and Sustainability, Faculty of Science

Charlotte Gerritsen

Associate Professor, Artificial intelligence, Faculty of Science

Ivano Malavolta

Associate Professor, Software and Sustainability, Faculty of Science, Director of the Network Institute

Kousar Aslam

Research Associate, Software and Sustainability, Faculty of Science

Emma Beauxis Aussalet

Assistant Professor, Business Web and Media, Faculty of Science

Victor de Boer

Associate Professor, Business Web and Media, Faculty of Science

Michel Klein

Assistant Professor, Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Science

Ilaria Tiddi

Assistant Professor, Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Science

Jaron Harambam

Assistant Professor, Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Science, Athena Institute