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Faculty of Humanities experts

The Faculty of Humanities at VU has a broad, societal and interdisciplinary profile. Their research has social value because we involve multiple disciplines in solving the same issue. The researchers train historians, philosophers, art historians, antiquaries, communication scholars and linguists who are willing to look beyond the boundaries of their own disciplines. And through this interpretation, they can offer a window into the past, present and future: a linguistic, philosophical, historical and creative window.

Visiting Adress:

De Boelelaan 1105, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11th and 14th floor

1081 HV Amsterdam



Here is a list of Humanities experts who are part of VBL.

Faculty of Humanities experts

Our experts from the Faculty of Humanities

Lisa Beinborn

Assistant Professor, Language, Faculty of Humanities

Antske Fokkens

Full Professor, Language, Faculty of Humanities

Pia Sommerauer

Assistant Professor, Language, Faculty of Humanities

Petra bos

Associate Professor, Language, Faculty of Humanities

Annemiek Hammer

Assistant Professor, Language, Faculty of Humanities