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Eroding Arctic Coastlines

Global warming is rapidly thawing Arctic permafrost, eroding coastlines by many metres per year.

Arctic permafrost stores a great deal of organic matter. As rising temperatures thaw the permafrost, this organic matter can turn into greenhouse gases. Fleur van Crimpen, Dr Lina Madaj and Dr Jorien Vonk are working with Canadian partner Dustin Whalen to find out what happens to permafrost material after erosion. After all, its final fate will determine its climatic impact.

This project is linked to the following SDG's:

  • SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
  • SDG 13: Climate action
  • SDG 14: Life below water
  • SDG 15: Life on land

Eroding Arctic Coastlines

In Eroding Arctic Coastlines, Fleur van Crimpen, Dr Lina Madaj and Dr Jorien Vonk, together with Canadian partner Dustin Whalen, investigate what happens to permafrost material in eroding coastlines. Permafrost contains organic matter that rising temperatures can turn into carbon. 

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