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Conduct a research study

The VBL is here to support your research efforts.

If you're conducting research, it's your responsibility, along with PhD students, volunteers, and other participants, to set up experiments or research correctly.

Before you start designing your experiment or research, we recommend arranging a meeting about using the facilities of VBL and SONA (our student pool management platform). This will ensure that the research topic and execution are optimally aligned before you start to use the VBL. Contact VBL by sending an email to

The VBL supports the execution in various ways:

What we offer:

  • Several labs (e.g., 15 and 11 cubicle lab, flexible lab (1-15 persons) for observation studies, large-group studies, 2-4 person lab for behavioural intervention studies), and a large computer room with dividers at Transitorium or elsewhere at VU. 
  • IT support
  • Set up of lab (tables/chairs/computers, dividers, whiteboards) for specific types of study such as observation/behavioural intervention, VR, etc.
  • Lab assistance: The lab assistants are only available for faculty and will be (if available) to run the study and take care of participants in the lab. PhD students need to run the studies themselves (as it is an important learning opportunity).
  • For highly specialized experiments, we can help you to get in touch with the right people within VU.

What we do not offer:

  • Recruitment of participants, analysis of data and/or interpretation of results.
  • Payment of participants (the administration around payment needs to be done by the researcher). We will provide a sheet with confirmed participants, email addresses, and IBAN numbers to ease the process of paying participants for the researcher.
  • Creation of experiments.
  • Installation and usage of highly specialized programs/software on computers (e.g., ePrime; Z-tree) or technology (eye tracking, VR).

Due to space constraint, the lab can (for now) not be used for Master thesis projects.                             

Would you like to know more about VBL?

Don't hesitate to send us an email


  • Femke van Horen
  • Director of VU Behavioural Lab
  • Professor of Consumer Behaviour, School of Business and Economics