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Climate change impacts on Fairtrade crop producers

Climate change has a major impact on crops. For Fairtrade producers, it represents an existential threat.

Dr Žiga Malek from the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) reveals the outsized impact of climate change on the growth and harvest of crops in different regions. If crop failures are to be prevented, something has to change. Would you like to keep drinking your Fairtrade coffee? 

This project is linked to the following SDG's:

  • SDG 2: Zero hunger
  • SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production 
  • SDG 13: Climate action
  • SDG 15: Life on land

Climate change impacts on Fairtrade crop producers

Climate change is having a major impact on the lives of Fairtrade producers. If crop failures are to be prevented, something has to change.

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