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Claims for non-staff members

Expense Claim Form for non-employees.

In the event that you have worked for VU Amsterdam but are not a VU employee, and the tax authorities do not consider you to be an entrepreneur, you can decide to submit the online Expense Claim Form for non-staff members to submit your claim for work performed and expenses. 

Not for VU Amsterdam staff, entrepreneurs and research participants

The Expense Claim Form for non-staff members is not intended for VU Amsterdam employees, entrepreneurs and research participants. 

  • Are you a VU Amsterdam employee? Submit your claim through HRM.
  • Are you an entrepreneur? Send an invoice.
  • Are you a participant in scientific research? Please contact your project manager. 

Which expenses can you claim?

The engagement agreement you have signed with VU Amsterdam includes information on which expenses you can claim. If in doubt, please contact the commissioning party.

Before you start

You are requested to submit the following information; please ensure you have this ready to hand:

  • your personal details and bank account information (IBAN number).
  • the faculty or department for which you have performed work.
  • the cost unit (also known as 'WBS element’). In the event that you have not been allocated a cost unit, please contact your client.
  • the work you have done or the expenses you have incurred.

Without this information the claim form cannot be submitted. Attachments to justify the expense claim (receipts, specifications) can only be added as a single unprotected PDF file. Maximum allowed size of the attachment is 3 MB. If your PDF is somehow protected, it can not be processed. You can bypass this by copying your PDF to Word and then saving your Word file as a PDF file. This new PDF file can be processed and can therefore be added as an attachment.

Reimbursement form non-VU employees
Privacy statement expense claims non-VU employees

How will VU Amsterdam process your claim form?
The VU Amsterdam Financial Services Centre (FSC) will process the form within five working days. Incomplete or incorrectly completed forms will not be accepted. After processing, the FSC will present the form to the budget holder who must approve the form. Once the claim has been approved, the FSC will transfer the money into your account.

Notifying the tax authorities
Each year, VU Amsterdam must provide a statement to the Dutch tax authorities listing the work you carried out in a given year. The university submits this statement using the IB47 form for amounts paid to third parties. VU Amsterdam will also send you a summary of your activities. You will receive this summary at the beginning of next year, so you can use it for your tax return. If you only submit expenses, then the university will not notify the tax authorities.

More information
Do you have any questions about your claim? Please get in touch with the Financial Service Centre. By sending an email to or by calling +31 (0)20 59 83478. 

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