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Career Services - Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences

After a master's degree in Psychology or Educational Sciences, you can increase your chances in professional practice by continuing your studies.

After a completed master's degree in Psychology or Educational Sciences, you can start working in the professional field as a starter. You have gained a lot of knowledge in the lecture halls, and you learned about practice during internships. To increase your chances in professional practice, you can also continue studying. There are various options that add value to your future as a professional. During your training you can already prepare for this by, for example, obtaining various notes.

  • After a bachelor's and master's degree in Psychology - Basic assessment Psychodiagnostics.
  • After a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Pedagogical Sciences - Registration NVO Basic Orthopedagogue and Basic endorsement Diagnostics.
  • After a pre-master and master's degree in Educational Sciences - Extra registration courses.
  • National Consultation of GGZ Training Institutions (LOGO statement).
  • Have you followed your bachelor's degree at another university? Then you need proof from your previous university stating to what extent you have already met the theoretical requirements for the relevant endorsement. For further information, see "Criteria for a BAPD".
  • After completing your training, you will start working as a basic psychologist or basic remedial educationalist. You will gain work experience, which will allow you to apply for a training place for a postgraduate course 

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Call +31 (0)20 59 85020 (Mon – Fri: 10:30 – 12:30 and 14:00 – 16:00). 

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