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AI & Behaviour

The AI & Behaviour group aims to contribute to society by responsibly advancing Artificial Intelligence that empowers humans to adopt healthy, safe and sustainable behaviour.

We design, develop and evaluate AI-based techniques and algorithms that analyse, predict and support human behaviour, respect societal values, and augment and support human functioning. The group focuses on applications for health, wellbeing, safety and sustainability. 

Within our research we use several computational approaches e.g. model-based simulation, serious gaming, Virtual Reality based simulation systems, apps that provide personalised advice and nudges, chatbots and LLMs.

We aim to develop ethically responsible approaches, which respect the autonomy of the users, are fully transparent about the applied techniques and are based on consent of users.

AI & Behaviour

AI & Behaviour

Dr. Charlotte Gerritsen

Associate Professor

Dr. Michel Klein

Associate Professor

Emmeke Veltmeijer

PhD Student

Erik van Haeringen

PhD student

Chaohui Guo

PhD student