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3D dialogue platform of the VU

3D is the dialogue stage of the Vrije Universiteit. Dialogue is an important form of conversation used to facilitate conversation between groups on campus. Dialogue is one of the different working methods used in 3D. Other examples are courageous conversations, round table talks, panel discussions, debate or safe space conversations.

In addition 3D functions during the evenings as the student community center and offers a third place on campus, a social environment away from home and work. 3D functions on the VU campus as a beacon of community life and the place for personal and creative interaction. If you would like to organize a dialogue, you can contact or

Have a dialogue in 3D

  • What do we mean by dialogue?

    A dialogue in 3D takes the form of an organized conversation, guided by a moderator/dialogue supervisor in which an attempt is made to create mutual understanding. During a dialogue, participants can become more receptive to views of others and empathize with the other person. In its strongest form, dialogue brings participants into a transformative state of engagement and movement.

  • Why is dialogue important?

    Dialogue can be used when parties can no longer enter conversation together and their contact can potentially escalate. Dialogue can connect groups and clarify the focus on a common goal. Dialogue can be an effective means for a board to invite students and employees to participate to hear their multiple voices. However, dialogue is not a panacea. It is a process and not a one-time solution to resolve tensions within a community.

  • When is dialogue used?

    Dialogue is used to (proactively) expose situations that may divide the academic community of the VU. Dialogues can be used to map the voices of minorities. Dialogue can be used in cases of tension, friction and polarization and can be a suitable form to bring parties closer together.

  • Is there room for differences and irreconcilable positions in the dialogue?

    Multiple conversations are often necessary to keep a conversation going between groups that are on opposing sides. Often preparatory conversations are needed to before a party is willing to enter into the conversation.

  • When do you have a dialogue behind closed doors?

    When a subject is particularly sensitive or concerns a very vulnerable group, a dialogue should take place privately.  

  • What does it take to have a good dialogue?

    Clear conversation rules

    Acceptance of these conversation rules

    Good moderator

    Willingness to listen

    Open attitude


    Willingness to accept the potential discomfort of the conversation

  • Dialogue lines

    • We think before we speak, knowing that words can be harmful
    • We have a responsibility to our entire academic community
    • We ask for clarification and are willing to explain ourselves to others
    • We are okay with discomfort, no matter how uncomfortable it may be
    • We practice the art of deep listening, which means we strive to understand the speaker's perspective. We do this by suspending judgment and being willing to receive new information from the speaker
    • We look for ways to broaden our perspectives
    • We accept that participating in the conversation is more important than the need to be right
    • We remain aware that our language must be productive and not caustic
    • We aim to further the conversation with our contribution
    • We strive to counter and/or prevent further polarization within our own community
    • This meeting is not intended for political activism, but we will not exclude those who consider themselves activists or politically involved
    • There is no hierarchy, all lives are precious and have value
    • We do not communicate through slogans or comments that you know others find offensive
    • There is room for emotions, but we strive not to act from emotion
    • We all have our own opinions, but let's remain aware that someone else may experience a different reality

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