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Strategic Management

Research in the Strategic Management group is diverse but united by a common desire to understand and explain organizational phenomena in the context of global competition.

Our research ethos reflects an appreciation for multiple form of inquiry and we bring together expertise in quantitative and qualitative methodologies, ranging from on-site field-work and in-depth participant observation to experimental studies in laboratory settings. We study organizations and their strategies applying a multifaceted toolkit of theories, such as contingency theory, the resource-based view, institutional theory, and identity theory

Strategic Management

Meet our team

Prof dr. Brian Tjemkes

Full professor of Strategic Management, Head of the Strategy & Organisation and programme director of the International Business Administration programme

Brain Tjemkes

Prof. dr. Meindert Flikkema

Programme director of Management Consulting Course

Meindert Flikkema

Prof. dr. ir. Victor A. Gilsing

Professor of Strategic Innovation & Organizational Renewal

Victor Gilsing

Prof. dr. Tom Moliterno

Full professor of Behavioral Strategy

Tom Moliterno

Prof. dr. Christopher Wickert

Full Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility

Prof. dr. Christopher Wickert

Dr. Saeed Khanagha

Associate Professor of Strategy

SBE_M&O staff picture Saeed Khanagha

Dr. David Kroon

Associate Professor of Strategy & Organization

SBE_M&O staff pictures David Kroon

Dr. Oli Mihalache

Associate Professor of Strategy & International Business

Dr. Katinka Quintelier

Associate Professor of Strategy and Ethics

SBE_M&O staff picture Katinka Quintelier

Dr Jonathan Schad

Associate Professor in Strategy and Organization

Jonathan Schad

Dr. Marc Bahlmann

Assistant Professor

SBE_M&O staff picture Marc Bahlmann

Dr. Sebastian Baldermann

Assistant Professor

Dr. Sebastian Baldermann

Dr. Valérie Duplat

Assistant Professor of Strategy

Valerie Duplat

Dr. Valentina Fani

Assistant professor

Valentina Fani

Dr. Luc Glasbeek

Assistant Professor

Luc Glasbeel

Drs. Els A.H. Kleijn

Assistant professor

Dr. Désirée A. Laubengaier

Assistant Professor

dr. Désirée A. Laubengaier

Dr. Johannes Loh

Assistant Professor

Dr. Marius Rietdijk

Assistant Professor

SBE_M&O staff picture Marius Rietdijk

Dr. Nina Telg

Assistant Professor

Nina Telg

Dr. Andreas Alexiou

Senior Researcher

Andreas Alexiou

S. James Ellis


Lucia Luo

External PhD Candidate

Lucia (Xiya) Luo

Agnieszka McCaleb

Future Staff