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Faculty Board FSS

The Board is responsible for the organisation and coordination of education and research in the faculty.

The Faculty Board consists of four members, including the Dean as chair of the Board, the portfolioholders Education and Research & Valorisation and the Faculty Managing Director, who is also in charge of the Faculty Office. A student assessor has been added to the board as an advisory member.

Members of the Faculty Board:

Prof. dr. Gregor Halff Dean
Prof. dr. Peter Kerkhof
Portfolio Education and vice-dean
Prof. dr. Jacquelien van Stekelenburg
Portfolio Research and Valorisation
Roel van BezooijenManaging Director a.i.
Laurens ZwaagstraAdvisory student member

The duties and responsibilities of the Faculty Board include:

  • Organizing and coordinating educational activities and scientific practice 
  • Supervising the implementation of the Academic and Examination Regulations (AER) and research programmes. The Board may issue guidelines for the departments on these matters. 
  • Forming the Examination Board and appointing its members

Secretariat of the Faculty Board

The Secretariat supports the Dean, the Managing Director and the Faculty Board. 


  • first point of contact for internal and external parties who wish to contact the dean and the Managing Director
  • managing the diaries of the dean and the Managing Director
  • planning, support and follow-up in relation to meetings and consultation sessions
  • supporting management with various on-going matters


  • Amanda Collins: primary point of contact for the dean
  • Mieke Noordam: primary point of contact for the Managing Director
  • Medha Guru: primary point of contact for board meetings

Faculty Secretariat

Amanda Collins, Mieke Noordam and Medha Guru