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ACCORD advances the understanding of cultural and religious diversity.

It promotes high-quality research and education from the combined perspectives of the philosophy of religion, comparative theology and intercultural philosophy. Where possible, the centre translates academic knowledge into practice by contributing to policy-making and formulating diversity-programs in local communities around the world, for instance through its contributions to the WRR (the Scientific Council for Government Policy in the Netherlands.


ACCORD is committed to publish cutting-edge scholarly research on matters related to cultural and religious diversity, encounter and dialogue through publications, colloquia, conferences, teaching programmes and multi-media projects. Current research conducted by ACCORD-members concerns e.g.:

  • Multiple Religious Belonging: hybrid religious experience
  • The Encounter of Traditions: comparative and crosscultural philosophy and theology
  • Humanism, religion and secularity

Lectures and events

To further its mission to advance the understanding of cultural and religious diversity ACCORD organises lectures and other events to promote the exchange of (new) ideas and debate between different perspectives throughout the year. We hope to welcome you at one of our events!

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