If you’re a student, you can opt for individual coaching sessions or workshops. For PhD candidates, we offer individual tutorials. We provide support for texts written in both Dutch and English.
Individual coaching sessions about your thesis
Writing a thesis or dissertation is a challenging task. If you ‘get stuck’ or cannot see the way ahead, it can be useful to talk to an experienced writing coach. The focus in the coaching sessions is not on the content of the thesis, but on the writing tasks or specific language problems. Coaching sessions take place on campus. Read more about coaching for theses.
Workshops (Writing Weeks)
A few times a year, the ALP organizes a Writing Week. During this week, we offer several short workshops (1 hour and 45 minutes) in groups of a maximum of 20 participants. Each workshop focuses on a specific topic that is relevant for writing texts in English and/or Dutch. Here are some examples of the topics that we address:
- How do I create a logical structure in my text?
- What is an appropriate style of writing for academic texts?
- What can I do when I get stuck during the process of writing?
The Writing Weeks also include so-called Shut Up & Write! sessions, where you can work on your own texts in the company of other students while also getting some tips from a writing coach. Read more about the Writing Weeks.
The workshops take place on campus. Do you want to know when the next Writing Week takes place and which workshops will be offered? Sign up for our mailing list by sending an email to alp.fgw@vu.nl.
Tutorials for PhD candidates
For PhD candidates, we offer tailored individual tutorials. The tutorials are focused on the quality of academic English or Dutch and always takes place after consultation with the PhD supervisor. The tutor is always a very experienced teacher.
A standard trajectory consists of a one-hour intake session in which the tutor and the PhD candidate identify specific areas to focus on, followed by three or five one-hour appointments. During these sessions, the tutor and PhD candidate work on the text in detail, focusing on one of the specific areas identified in the intake session. Tutorials in small groups of up to three PhD students are also possible.
For more information, contact Dr. Gea Dreschler: g.a.dreschler@vu.nl.