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Research office at the Faculty of Humanities

Research Office at the Faculty of Humanities for administrators and researchers.

The Humanities Research Office aims to contribute to the further growth and enrichment of the faculty's research portfolio and thus to a future-proof research environment. An environment in which high-quality, often interdisciplinary research with a strong social component comes into its own.

What we do

  • We  strengthen the research, valorisation and promotion policy. We do this in collaboration with the research portfolio holder, the valorisation director, the director of the CLUE+ research institute and the director of the Graduate School of Humanities (GSH);
  • Advising the Faculty Board and the Director of Operations on these policy areas;
  • Point of contact for researchers and PhD students on issues related to data management, ethical issues, privacy/GDPR, scientific integrity and digital facilities;
  • Support in drawing up and submitting research proposals (in collaboration with the subsidy desk);
  • Secretarial support for faculty committees, the interfaculty research institute CLUE+ and the Graduate School of Humanities;
  • Coaching of PhD students; co-responsible for the PhD training (in close collaboration with the Graduate School of Humanities).


Humanities Research Office can be reached by email at Looking for a specific employee? Please find our profiles below:

Team Research Faculty of Humanities

All our colleagues and how to reach us:

Dr. Liesbeth Geudeke

Head of Research Office | senior policy advisor research | faculty confidentiality advisor

Liesbeth Geudeke

Dr. Sam Heijnen

Data steward | research privacy champion | advisor ETCO

Data Steward Humanities Sam Heijnen

Dr. Nathanja van den Heuvel

PhD advisor and coordinator

Nathanja van den Heuvel

Bert Brouwenstijn

Cartographer | archaeological Illustrator | 3D specialist archaeology

Bert Brouwenstijn

Maurijn de Heus

Business/ impact developer

Dr. Sophie Arnoult

Research associate in Computational Linguistics | scientific programmer, HumanitiesLab 

Portrait photo Sophie Arnoult

Rita Alves dos Santos

Research Integrity specialist (NRIN and RIOS)

Rita Alves dos Santos

Hilde Van den Berghe

Management assistant CLUE+ en Graduate School of Humanities

Hilde van den Berghe

Daniël Muller

Project manager Abraham Kuyper Center